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Center Stand reinstallation


On a Connie in a neighborhood near you
The PO had the center stand removed, and I'd like to put it back on. I got decently far, but then realized a few things... so I have some questions.

  1. Where is the spring mount point on the bike for the center stand? I think its a little notched piece of metal on the throttle side of the bike, up near the shock. But I'm not sure. A picture would be GREAT...
  2. How do you go about tightening the bolt on the clutch side? I was able to get the bolt in and threaded, but between the exhaust and the kickstand, I see NO way to get a 17mm ANYTHING in there to tighten the bolt
  3. Anyone have a spare centerstand spring they wanna sell me? I think the one that came with the centerstand is another kickstand spring
  4. Does the centerstand have a sensor on it like the kickstand?

Take the muffler off to get to that bolt. The center stand has no sensor. Here's your pic. HTH


  • IMG_20230925_104311_259.jpg
    120.6 KB · Views: 41
Take the muffler off to get to that bolt. The center stand has no sensor. Here's your pic. HTH

I did take the muffler off... I just couldn't fit anything in there to tighten the bolt. Do I need to pull the kickstand sensor to install?