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Manual chain tensioner?


Free Limited Trial
Free Limited Trial
I've been curious about having a manual cam chain tensioner installed on my 06 Connie due to seeing a lot of problematic reports with the OEM tensioner.

Anyone that has had one installed can you tell me some information about them and your experiences since installation? Is it worth it?
I've owned 3 Concours since the early 1990's and have always used the stock automatic tensioner. Once I replaced one with an OEM tensioner. I never saw the need for a manual tensioner.
I’ve had my ‘00 since ‘07 w/31k on it. Now after almost 17 years and at 74k miles, never had a concern.
I look at manual cam chain tensioners kinda like torque wrenches, they'll both get you in trouble if you don't know what you are doing. I agree with the others that stock is just fine.