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08 compatability

So here's a question for the great minds of COG...  Does anyone know if the left inner fairing (glove box) on the 2010 + Concours is compatible with the 2008's?  I'm just wondering if I could install that piece of the fairing to give me the glove box on the left side.  I don't really care about the grip heater control, I could replace that with a 12V outlet if needed.  I also don't need the solenoid for the glove box, just want the space. 

So what says the group? :beerchug:
Sounds like a good idea but no.  You would have to change alot more than just the plastic glove box.  The upper cowling is different from the 08 and the 10.
To take it a step further, it's too bad moma Kawasaki did not see fit to put the 08 and 09 storeage compartment on the 10's and up along with the left side compartment.
Yes, both compartments would be nice. One of the C14's downfalls is it's total lack pf storage other than the panniers themselves. A little extra space would be a nice addition.
Someone said in another post that the 2010+ inner fairing is shaped different than the 08-09. So you probably will not be able to transplant a side glove box onto an 08-09. But you could transplant a 08-09 top glove box onto a 2010+, with a little modifying. (that has already been done)