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2009 C-14 Heat

mmmmmmmmmm whining you could call it that!!! and here in texas we have the most wonderful ladies even when in sack cloths they look good, even on the back of my heat producing c14 enjoy the bike with or with out the sacks
I just retruned from a ride out to Austin and can vouch for the nice looking ladies out there. OMG!!! UP
Ok i keep hearing heat heat heat my" legs are hot I need to wrap my pipes. I need deflectors" etc etc etc.My 2008 just plain feels great to ride. However my head does get quite hot inside my helmet on these hot summer days. Should I wrap my faceshield or put deflectors around the bottom. Any thoughts. :)
well thanks for all the advice about my hot helmet. I decided to go with both the wrap and the airwings on my full face. Thank god I made the choice to do both. The wrap was obscuring my vision but just as I was about to hit that brick wall the airwings hit an upblast pulled the helmet off my head and with my vision now clear I was able to steer around the wall.Those airwings really saved my life.I will never wrap my faceshield without having airwings installed. Again thanks to one and all. :eg:
You sould try pipe wrap on your imagionation too cause your killing me. Too funny. About spit on my screen when I read your post. :) Told you none of them fellas ever went any distance on a Harley... Give it a few months and it'll be "it's cold, cold, cold and where can I get a heated whatever." Me? I just like to razz those easily razzed. I'm saving all my try this try that money for gas and food. UP