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92 Venture Royal


Crotch Rocket
I am looking a getting one of these old Royals. Had one back in the mid 80s and loved it. One of the reasons I bought a C10 is the way it reminded me of that bike. Much smaller of course. My wife and I push 500#s without gear and the C10 is just a tad small for that kind of load with me on the bars. Also we are both in the mid 60s now and don't adapt like we used to. Afraid that I will have to part with our 90 C10 if we make the deal. I just can not justify 2 bikes on our budget. Any thoughts on the Venture, I have never cared for Wings and the new Ventures are too much like overblown cruisers besides the price. ROMA or Scarlet harlot acording to my wife Why is it that for evey 1 "making Bacon" there are 20 people eating the fat?
Scooter, I've never owned one but I've also never heard anything bad about 'em. If you can find a good one I would go for it. You might also think about an old Wing or if you can find one an old Voyager. Nice older Wings are a dime a dozen on my local Craigs List. The price is usually right as well. Good luck with your search. '02 Connie COG # 6662 Dallas, Tx