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A Fresh Victim

Just three and a quarter hours ago. The '86. Classic damage; right mirror, foot peg mount, and antler.

The only excuse I have is that I was doing a u-ie in two parking spaces turning to the right on fairly steep piece of parking lot. This didn't seem so bad until this figured into the equation.


(I fell to the NNE!)

I believe it was the 54 mph gust that got me. Not sure if my right foot isn't crushed to some degree. Haven't taken the boot off yet. (Right foot is fine- I wrote this twenty minutes after it happened).

A young and strong passerby came along to give me a hand. As it was sitting downhill on it's sidebag, it would have been a bear to lift alone.

Is this a twelve step program, or more like a confessional?

This is a pretty sorry first post  ^-^
Dunno about a sorry post but I believe it to be the first rider involved wind induced drop. There have been reports of 'em being blown over while under covers..

Sorry to hear about it and hopefully the foot comes out alright! The rest can be fixed quickly (though expensively) but them feet seem to take forever to heal up..
My foot seems to be fine. It was one of those things when a 700 lb machine lands on your foot and your first thought is, "that hurts". Your second thought is, "that's gotta be busted." Then everything turns out fine.

It was interesting riding home using the rear peg and hovering my foot over the rear brake pedal when it  was needed. Luckily I was only 5 minutes away.
Glad all worked out OK.

BTW - Murph's Kits sells an emergency foot peg bolt for the C10. It can come in handy when a peg breaks due to a drop.
Connie Mark - CDA0344.
Yup -that's the first wind induced while on the bike.  I do have reports of it being blown over while on the center stand.
Glad you are ok.
Fix them parts!
habelsgtb said:
Connie Mark - CDA0344.
Yup -that's the first wind induced while on the bike.  I do have reports of it being blown over while on the center stand.
Glad you are ok.
Fix them parts!
It was really the perfect storm of doing a slow speed u-turn up and down an incline and getting hit by the wind (a steady 34 with gusts to 54!). I just ordered all three parts today. Luckily I can get them at cost + 10% as I work for an auto dealer that owns the biggest bike dealership in the area.
Live in Norwalk myself, grew up in Fairfield.

love how the pressure was 29.17 and falling. not sure how they would know that.
Now that's dedication and should earn something extra... filing his cda report before he even gets the boot off! ;)
So, I get the $130+ mirror, and it falls apart by itself riding down the road. One minute it is there, the next it is flapping. Had to cut into the new rubber and put it back together. Some crappy quality control. I can get at discount on parts, and am getting the antler for around $45. Should I get my broken one welded and try to sell it for around $60? That's about the point it would make it worth my time to get it fixed and sell it.

By the way, the '86 is for sale, and I now own an '04. It is an addiction!
Congrats on the upgrade!  8)

I have an 06 and while they are great... They still fall down!  :mad:

I would definately get the old one fixed. If nothing else it may come in handy somewhere down the line! But hopefully not.

Best wishes on the '86 sale!