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A message from Kawasaki

S Smith

Northeast Area Director
This message was released today from Kawasaki USA...

Irvine CA - The events taking place in Japan are moving rapidly, and we want you to be aware of the information that KMC is providing to its dealers.  The attached message was distributed late yesterday to ensure Kawasaki dealer personnel are up to date regarding the Japan production facilities.  We will be revising information as appropriate, and will continue to keep you informed.  Thank you for your calls, thoughts, and prayers for all the people of Japan.

Many of you have called conveying your thoughts and prayers for Kawasaki’s staff and family
members in Japan, as well as the hundreds of thousands of Japanese citizens who have been
affected by this tragedy. Your concern is both appreciated and heartfelt.

The primary disaster area is centered near Sendai, which is 185 miles northeast of Tokyo. Kawasaki’s
Akashi factory is located 400 miles southwest of that location. Fortunately, the Akashi/Kobe area
where KHI offi ces and factory are located did not experience any direct effects from the earthquake.
The people of Japan will continue to face immediate hardships; the situation there is changing daily.
The companies that operate there, like Kawasaki, will continue to monitor the situation and will be
prepared to adjust business operations as dictated by circumstances.

Again, we want to thank you for your concerns. As more information becomes available we will
provide you with updates.


Tak Teranishi
Kawasaki Motors Corp., U.S.A.
Manufacturing may still be feasable, but shipping....parts/pieces in or out of the area MAY be iffy.  You can produce all day long, until your raw materials run out and you can't restock, or you can move completed product off the warehouse floor.

Parts may be hard to come by for a while, simply because of shipping issues.