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ABS brakes vs. Non-ABS Brakes


In order to adequately describe the different affects of emergency braking between ABS braking systems in both on and off conditions, I am supplying the following visual aid.


Note that while there is no appreciable difference in the stopping distances, there is considerable difference in the enormous effort on the part of the ABS system OFF dog to attain a safe stopping distance and thus avoiding the obstacle in its direct path, even though the mass (weight for all you troglodytes)  of the ABS system ON equipped dog looks to be significantly greater. Perhaps a bagger?

Also note that the OFF ABS system is leaning much farther to the left than the ON ABS system which could cause the OFF ABS system equipped dog to eventually fall over at its terminus.

In conclusion regardless of the individuals skill set it is clear that take less effort to stop using a ABS-System that is ON while retaining more control during the event.
Old Man on a Connie said:
Based on the marks left by the ABS ON would you consider these linked? :)

Linked? Maybe.    Leashed? Definitely!  :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
what does it mean when my dog skids his rear end across the carpet with his front paws, leaving a stain across it? he's still upright. :)
mellow yellow said:
what does it mean when my dog skids his rear end across the carpet with his front paws, leaving a stain across it? he's still upright. :)
He may have developped a leaky break line or a ceased caliper on the rear end or both!!! :)
Nothing a good line purge couldn't solve.  ::)
mellow yellow said:
what does it mean when my dog skids his rear end across the carpet with his front paws, leaving a stain across it? he's still upright. :)

It means it is time to clean your carpet!  :nananana: :nananana:

Actually your dog need to regularly practice his emergency stops.  Even with the use of ABS brakes without routine practice any emergency stop can result in what is technically called a

"Brown Trouser Moment" and in this case your dog, not wearing trousers, well, what else can I say.......  :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
The real thing to consider is, "What color was the stain?"  Stick your finger in there.  What does it feel like?  Does it have a smell?  Info like this make the dog's stain a lot easier to diagnose!