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Accident Scene Management


Two years ago myself and 2 other COGers attended a 1 day class in MA called "Crash Course for the Motorcyclist". All 3 of us found it very worthwhile and now feel better prepared should someone on our ride be injured. These courses are offered nation wide at a very reasonable price. I've included one of the instructors recent emails which includes a link to their national web site. I urge you to check them out...... Greetings everyone, and we hope you are enjoying your riding season! We are in the process of scheduling our '08-'09 season of Accident Scene Management classes. Because this email is going out the first of August, we are hoping that the "crash course" will be a part of your August meeting agenda, and if interested,you will consider scheduling your classes early with us. For those of you not affiliated with any group or organization, please check the website www.accidentscene.org for classes that might be scheduled in a location convenient for you. We have scheduled an Instructor Training Program for November 7,8 and 9 at the Merrimac Fire Station in Merrimac, MA. We need instructors! If you or anyone you know is interested, please go to the website for ASMI to view Instructor qualifications and/or register online. As part of this Instructor Training Program, we have scheduled an open/community "Crash Course for the Motorcyclist" on November 8th in Merrimac. Registration for the November 8 "crash course" can be made by sending a check for $55 made out to "Gail Riley" OR you can now register online at www.accidentscene.org with your credit card. There are some suggestions we would like to offer to the clubs/organizations. When scheduling a class, consider maximizing the class size. You may want to hold it as a fundraiser for your group, or combine the class with other clubs. This is especially true for those who are looking for the Advanced Bystander Assistance program. If you need us to attend one of your meetings to present information about the program, we would be pleased to do so as long as it is within a reasonable travel distance. Also, check out other instructors who are available within your state, and if they are not available we will assist you in anyway we can to help promote and bring the program to your MC community. The more riders who have this training the better it is for all of us who ride. There are already some "blackout" dates for the coming season, so remember to submit three dates of choice if possible. As always, on behalf of AMSI, we thank you for your support of motorcycle safety education programs and look forward to hearing from you. Yours truly, Gail and David Riley Instructors/ASMI 18 River Road Merrimac, MA 01860 978-346-9760 Greg H from Mass, Connie Droppers Anonymous Awards Dude COG# 7010,a Tracey CDA 120 99 Connie "Herrin Christabelle", 05 Ninja 250
My son was comming home from fishing last night when he came upon an acident between a pickup and a Vulcon. The pickup driver was trying to hold a turnequet on the biker's leg and dial 911 at the same time. Son stayed and held the turnequet untill the paramedics arived about an hour later. (country road) Looked like the guys foot was almost apputated. No other apparant damage though. I guess we should all have some training for these sittuations. 1990 Aint she a pretty Tomato (the bike ofcourse) wedshots albums http://community.webshots.com/user/sawfiler64/albums/most-recent
That's great that your son stopped to help. We learned (and were surprised) in the course that turnequets are no longer recommended due to the damage that they can cause. They recommended to find the pressure point and press hard with your fingers to stop the bleeding. I really do think it is fantastic that your son stopped to help. So many people just drive by and don't want to get involved. Accident Scene Management also sells some kits that include the basics for treatment. I have one strapped to my bike at all times. Oh, and never remove the helmet unless the person is not breathing. There are special techniques to removing the helmet to prevent spine injuries (if they are not breathing and CPR is required). Greg H from Mass, Connie Droppers Anonymous Awards Dude COG# 7010,a Tracey CDA 120 99 Connie "Herrin Christabelle", 05 Ninja 250
This is a great idea, and I'd be there with you guys if I were closer. All I would add to this is that having First Aid training can also be invaluable. Having studied and taught Boy Scout level first aid and emergency preparedness for many years, I kind of take for granted that everyone knows the basics, but really they don't! The Red Cross used to offer a public course, but don't know if they do anymore. Just a thought. :) Steve K. '02 Concours COG# 6550 AMA# 965469 'No matter where you go, there you are...'
I first learned of the existence of the course when Greg took it and was trying to arrange it as a COG group event. I thought this was a great idea. I have a rudimentary knowledge of being a first responder as I had taken Red Cross CPR & First Aid years ago. Last February ASMI director Vicki Sanfelipo was a guest speaker at our statewide instructor update. She conducted a high level overview of the course and presented some of the training information provided in the course. At that time she also introduced two new ASMI instructors for Connecticut, and they happen to be fellow MSF instructors. Fast forward
Thanks Steve for the endorsement. I'm thinking of taking a refresher or the advanced course. Can't hurt! Greg H from Mass, Connie Droppers Anonymous Awards Dude COG# 7010,a Tracey CDA 120 99 Connie "Herrin Christabelle", 05 Ninja 250