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Another brake pad question


Hey researching pads for the front brakes(dual piston). I have a 2000 with what I believe is the orgional front brake pads. They are marked TOYO 093F HH. Still above min wear marks but going to change both sets out soon. I was wondering if anyone knows part numbers for Galfer pads. I am interested in replacing them with organic pads. Want to protect those valuable rotors! Recently changed rear pads for the second time which is a different caliper (single piston) with EBC FA85. I am not a big fan. They didn't last long. They are obviously not OE. Is there any experience with running organic pads all the way around? Thanks, John Moretz COG# 8462
I like my EBC HHs F&R but the R is somewhat EZ to lock up. I get at least 50k F, 60k or more R. IMO there's something wrong with yer setup. Mebbe they're draggin or yer foot's always on the pedal? 01 Conc, Mijami Floriduh Over the Pond 06: http://tinyurl.com/2vk9o2 route map: http://tinyurl.com/4p7pmd
I have been using the EBC HH in the front and the Carbone Lorraine pads in the rear. The CL's from Murph for the rear are supposed to be a sintered metalic pad, but use a different sintering compound for the rear so they are not quite as grabby as the fronts. They work pretty well in that regards. A little more progressive, but can still lock up with a hard push of the pedal. 2003 Concours COG #6953 http://mysite.verizon.net/slybones/Concours/connieMain.htm