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Answers and the Tech Ed


As most of you are aware, as well as a new Executive Director, COG is transitioning to a new Technical Editor for the Concourier. That's me. If you've been with COG for a while or own a C10, my name may be familiar. Traditionally the Tech Ed has also been the Go-To Guy for answers on how things work or why things went boink or how we can fix them. I started that tradition back in 1988. But now, in addition to the occasional letter or post card, there is this Internet forum coming up with new questions every day. There are now two separate Concours with two separate sets of rules, data, and fixes. While pretty well-versed on the C10, I know zip about the C14 (but I am learning). In order to serve effectively, I asked the COG Board of Directors to give me help. I would take on the more traditional duties of being a true
Rich, thanks for the update and info. Hopefully I won't need it, but if I do it's nice to know who you can go to for help. Daryl Denver (of the east) N.C. AMA 973014 COG 7881 NRA Life GOA '80 KZ1000 LTD '00 ZX9R Ninja '04 ZG1000 Concours http://community.webshots.com/user/Branded58
Thanks for taking on the job, Rich. From the sounds of things, you've got some really great assistants. Hang in there and ride safe,Text Bob Young State of Jefferson COG #5753
Rich, Thanks for stepping up to the plate. As the owner of a C-10 I can safely say Larry Buck is an excellent choice. I have purchased items from him in the past and the wife and I stopped by his place while in FL a couple of years ago. He is a wealth of information and knowledge. Best of luck, you will have your hands full. One bright thing though is the pay check that COG sends us monthly.....it will make it all worth while ;p Kurt & Sue Nordstrom Spotsylvania, VA COG 6049 & 6049A VA & WV Assistant Area Directors