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Bad drivers are everywhere...

That's an understatement. The last time we went to Owensboro, it was one stupid move after another.
Oh yeah. I recently saw a Toyota pickup t-bone a police car in a busy intersection.

Just wait until the self-driving cars are common.
Oh yeah. I recently saw a Toyota pickup t-bone a police car in a busy intersection.

Just wait until the self-driving cars are common.
I look forward to more self-driving vehicles, then there can be more standardization in the transportation world. Vast majority ( >90%) of vehicle accidents are human mistakes.

Will I give up my right to go have fun - no -.

Wayne, Carol & Blue
I doubt the ratio of bad drivers has changed, but the number of drivers has changed. So yes, there are more bad drivers because there are more cars on the road.
Running red lights has become a regular thing here in Texas. We had it mostly in check for awhile until they banned the red light cameras .