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This weekend, I am going perform the bafflectomy on my Beast. I did a Google search to try and reach as much as possible, even finding links to sounds of before and after and I think I am comfortable making the decision to do it. A slightly throatier sound ain't so bad. :) And if I gain a 1 or 2 MPG, then I won't complain. : 37k miles
Aww just go out there and do it now, shouldn't take 30 minutes should it?? Though the difference in sound is by no means HUGE (IMO) it was a welcome change on mine..sometimes the best things in life are free (and you KNOW how Cogger's like THAT word :))
Only thing you'll notice is a bit less engine braking. She won't slow down as much when you leave off the loud-stick. Other than that, you'll never go back. http://www.millerized.com
I was busy Saturday, did not ride. Sunday, bad weather. I used a horse shoe stake to make the holes and started up the bike in the garage. There is definitely a throatier sound to it. If the weather report holds up for me, I will be riding to work on the Concours. I can then give my ride report of the results. Like it or not, I cannot go back. :) I have a feeling it will be just fine, though. : 37k miles
So, the ride result of having done a bafflectomy on the Connie. Other than a lower rumble while idling, I could not tell a difference in sound while at speed, or in performance. When next I fill the tank, I will see if there is a difference there. : 37k miles
Think this would work for mine? I just got the bike back (2001 w/10k) from having the carbs re-built, and DynoJet Stage One kit with K&N filter installed. happy with the results, but always could use a little ore power, and MPG. a LITTLE extra exhaust noise would be okay too. Whadda Yall think?