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Friday at Barber Vintage Festival.....
7am Gates Open
715am-5pm RoadRacing Registration & Tech Track/5
8-10am VJMC Setup Lot F/2
8am-5pm RoadRacing Practice Track/5
8am-5pm Barber Vintage Motorsports Museum Museum/1
8am-5pm Swap Meet Lot E/2
8am-5pm America's First Federal Credit Union Fan Zone Fan Zone/2
Wall of Death, Globe of Death, Motorcycle Inclined Highwire Show
830-930am Museum Seminar - Steve Hall English Man meets English Wheel Museum/1
830am-530pm Ace Corner Gate 4/3
9am Motorcycle Classics Triumph Parking Corral open Fan Zone/2
9-10am Museum Seminar - Leo Goff Triumph Tech Tips Museum/1
9am-5pm Jerry Wood’s Cyclemarket & Auction Building 2/2
10am Autograph Session Museum/1
10am-5pm VJMC Bike Display (Show, Shine & Share) Lot F/2
1030-1130am Museum Seminar - John Healy & Don Hutchinson Old Guys, Old Triumphs Museum/1
10-11am Museum Seminar - Max NightingaleAlpha Man, Alpha Bearings Museum/1
1pm VJMC signup for Sweet Sounds Contest Lot F/2
130-230pm Museum Seminar - Leo Goff Triumph Tech Tips Museum/1
130-230pm Museum Seminar - Max NightingaleAlpha Man, Alpha Bearings Museum/1
2pm VJMC Sweet Sounds of Japanese Horsepower Contest Lot F/2
2pm Autograph Session Fan Zone/2
3pm Motorcycle Classics Meet and Greet w/ the editors Fan Zone/2
3-4pm Museum Seminar - John Healy & Don Hutchinson Old Guys, Old Triumphs Museum/1
3-4pm Museum Seminar - Steve Hall English Man meets English Wheel Museum/1
3pm VJMC Restoration Clinic – Greg Pitt Powdercoating Lot F/2
445pm Parade Laps (staging at Gate 5)
5pm AMCA Antique Bike parade ending at The Barber Museum
The lure of the campfire was too great. We left Barber at 3pm or so and took a scenic ride back to Talladega. Campfire is going, steaks are going on soon, hope the BBQ is good, two people should get to eat free since I pre-paid.
Let me add my thanks to Allen here for the great COG-B-Q he put together. It's folks like this that make COG special. Here are a few pictures I took at the dinner. Please excuse the poor quality as I was "shooting from the hip":
Made it home back to the land of Oz! Barry and I had a great time; special thanks to Allen Chew for putting together the BBQ! It was nice meeting some new folks and also hanging out with some familiar faces. Thanks again Allen!
Great to have seen so many of you here in Birmingham,
Working on uploading several pictures from that night and the festival.
Should have them up soon,
Thanks, welcome to all the new members we had there, and welcome to all who attended.
:friends: time being with the gang. Allen went above and beyond the call, and we really had too much food, but it was really good what I could stuff in. Weather held up for us nicely, and the fire every night really felt good. We had a successful raffle, with John Owen taking home $115.00. Consumed a few adult beverages, no hiccups or misadventures, all and all a typical "good time had by all" COG event. Al
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