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C14 Wind protection


Big Wheel
I test rode a new C14 and was thoroughly disappointed. I was taking wind in the middle of my chest versus my 2003 with stock shield that is around my neck. Are there larger shields available that give better protection? I just think the windscreen is too small for the bike. And I had a sweet deal made! Glad I rode it first.
Down south, in Texas, the short screen comes in very handy in the summer time. It allows high speed running by keeping the wind blast off and at the same time keeps cooler air circulating in the cockpit. In the winter time, I change wind screens. I have a Cal-Sci +6 that is 6" taller than stock. It provides a nice pocket of still air and does not buffet me at speed. Also it does not 'push' me forward when I raise the screen. There are other makes available as well. I'd suggest getting the good deal. The bike won't disappoint.
Yeah, fine... spend big money for the latest in luxury and amenities, Kipass, tire pressure monitoring, etc., etc., and more $$$ for wind protection... Thanks, I'll pass and stay with my frugal '05 C10 Connie with the OEM windshield and good wind protection!
Unless your C10 is bone stock how can you complain about spending $$ on a bike? The Calsci or Vstream are great improvements over the stock screen. Frugal is fine, but I got tired of 20+ year old technology.
the CalSi +6 works well for me and my wife.I believe the "hole down low on the shield keeps the backpressure down snd the "cockpit quite.The bike works like a champ on the road and 2 up ....go for it
Yeah, fine... spend big money for the latest in luxury and amenities, Kipass, tire pressure monitoring, etc., etc., and more $$$ for wind protection... Thanks, I'll pass and stay with my frugal '05 C10 Connie with the OEM windshield and good wind protection! Raymond Cadieux, Qu
the stock screen on most of the ST bikes is more ...sporty... almost everybody swaps the screen so don't let that deter you from the purchase. The C14 is an awesome machine in handling ,power and looks. I have the Calsi +6 also and love the way it works .It has a ..."hole" down low in the screen that keeps any back pressure issues away.GREAT rain protection and very quite.There are many screens out there so go to the other forum here and do a search. http://www.calsci.com/motorcycleinfo/Concoursprod.html http://www.eaglescreens.com.au/kawasaki.htm of course Murph has http://www.murphskits.com/catalog/product_info.php? cPath=130_135&products_id=274 Bob
It all depends on your size. I am 6'2" 33" inseam and the VStream in the full up position air just clears my helmet. Full down air hits my collar bone. It takes a bit to get used to, it is a very flexible screen and moves around a lot. I don't even notice it anymore. It does have some backpressure, but after 100 miles you don't even notice that either.
See Baily is on mine. Got the large touring one. Down it lets the wind in. Up you can blow smoke rings behind it. Protects passager too. Quality product. Can't complain. UP
Dave, I have a red 09 for sale. has about 6,000 mi. CeeBailey w/s, Area P exhaust, Throttlemeister throttle lock, Russel Day-Long Seat with Backrest, Baker Air-Wings, Michelin Pilot-Road tires, Well cared for. $11,500 Over $1,500 in aftermarket items. Original equip included. Ron Mansfield,Ohio 419-512-1248 rfairchild@neo.rr.com