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mellow yellow

Street Cruiser
well, I'm ready for my cda#. participated in the color in the catskills ride yesterday and we came to a closed road I guess due to the recent heavy rainfall. well, everyone was able to execute their u-turn, except me. everyone turned back around and Bob helped me to right the bike back up. there wasn't any damage due to the saddlebag guards. If you need any validation just contact Bob,Brian,Ben Abby and Mike:blush:
Jack, CDA0331. I'll bet it was a nice ride besides the drop. Glad to hear the tip-over bars saved the bike.
Now it's offical Jack, now that Greg assigned you your number. Welcome to the club that nobody wanted to be a member of, the Connie Droppers Anonymous! :p
Thanks Greg, I'll wear it with honor! by the way, does the number signify the number of members that belong to this elite of the elite? I can't download the sticker site. ;p
There's likely a lot more folks that have dropped their Connie. CDA Members are the ones that ADMITTED it. :)
Yes it is running order of the members that have asked for said number. Some members are adding letters to the numbers to signify number of drops they have. I think someone is up over G. Now that scares me. Need to put that on the bike in big letters so I do not park next to you. Photos[/url]
Jack, Are you getting an error when trying to download the sticker? It's in Excel format. Ya - 331 CDA's(who admitted it!)