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Clock question


Have not done much troubleshooting yet. My clock does not keep time, always starts at 1:00 when I start the bike ("06). Seems to work fine if I set the time with the engine running during rides, which seems to rule out a bad fuse, but always resets when I turn off the bike. Bad connection on the junction box? Any help would be appreciated.
yep, I think wizeguy earns his name once again! edit to add something somewhat useful: the are 2 power leads running to the clock, one switched (key on) and one on full time. That's how it can be a fuse issue. Dave Muir 1980 LTD1000 - Rocket 1999 Concours - Rocket II 1997 Dyna - wife's CT-COG #3649 Merchandise Czar
In case you need additional affirmation... Check the ACC fuse. :) -- Steve Smith, COG #3184 COG Northeast Area Director (somewhere in south central CT)
If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much space.
Concur, I recently did some work replacing horns and lowered the front fairing. Missed a wire and blew the accessory fuse. Everytime I reset the clock and it ran while the key was on. Got home and checked the main fuse block and sure enough, the ACC fuse was blown, replaced it and reset the clock, no more problems. Robert Elliott Cornelia, GA 2006 C10 COG # 7598 CDA#0293
Good thing too. Last time I checked a replacement clock from Big K was $300. I think they're made in Switzerland... by elves.
Last time I checked a replacement clock from Big K was $300
Holy $h!t!! Yep, checked Bike Bandit and it's $350.78. Geez Louise and it's not even an atomic clock! That is the most overpriced bike part I believe I've ever seen! Fortunately, it's the fuse. Eddie Sanford, FL 2005 Concours 1969 Triumph Bonneville AMA# 686667 COG# 7073 CDA# 0136 http://picasaweb.google.com/Eddie753
I solved the whole clock issue on my "3/4 Concours" (1986 Ninja 1000R) by sticking one of those cheap-ass round digital clocks that you used to find in a small bin next to the cash register in auto parts stores on the inner fairing panel. It is black plastic and looks like it was installed in Lincoln. This may not go aesthetically with the Concours, but it sure beats spending three hundred and fifty samoans.
Thanks, all. It was the fuse. I replaced it and all seems to be well. Is the clock backlit for night driving?
Jerry, the clock is back-lit, but it's not what you would call useful! It's pretty dim. There is a small bulb that provides the illumination, but you have pull the fairing inner panels (where the pockets are) and the instrument surround to get the clock out. My opinion; it's not worth it unless you're in there for something else! Eddie Sanford, FL 2005 Concours 1969 Triumph Bonneville AMA# 686667 COG# 7073 CDA# 0136 http://picasaweb.google.com/Eddie753
I had wondered about the clock myself when I first got my bike. I had two bulbs out directly from the factory. Once I got the Clymer's manual, I saw that there was supposed to be a light for the clock so I went back to the dealer and had them get with Big K and replace the bulbs under warranty, especially since the bike was brand new. Now I have replaced one of the bulbs myself and know the struggles to replace the instrument lights. Not a fun task. Robert Elliott Cornelia, GA 2006 C10 COG # 7598 CDA#0293