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No, but I haven't received the last two issues (spring and summer). Trying to find out why. If I get the new issue I'll let you know. Bob Skinner
Bob did you actually join Concours owners Group, or just the Forum? There seems to be a few who only joined the forum, when they wanted to join COG. If you filled out the form and payed dues. Then you need to contact one of the officers for help. If you only joined the forum (no dues). Then there's the problem. Either way I'm sure it can be worked out. Bionic Bob COG & AMA member First C14 CDA member #0220 2008 C14 & 2003 Mean Streak
Bob Skinner has been a member for a long time. Looks like you have been on the mailing lists... and on the upcoming issue list too. If yo do not get one contact your post office as well as COG membership to sort things out. -- Steve Smith, COG #3184 COG Northeast Area Director (somewhere in south central CT)
If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much space.
Yes, I've been around for a while. My COG card says 17 years. My new postal delivery person is an European car nut and he also has an interest in bikes. I think I need to talk to him.
Received my issue today. Fred; Great article on the 2010 C14 I can see me on one to replace my 99 C10 some day. Jeff
Fred, Received mine yesterday and really enjoyed your article. The whole issue was outstanding, even Ted's picture at the National! Craig
Received mine yesterday as well. Excellent write up on the 2010 C14 Fred! Nice to see a review that actually comes from someone who rides the bike and is able to cover the enhancements in explicit detail to prior models. Thanks Fred! Ken