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CT Experienced Rider Course, 17 May 2014, Waterbury, CT


There will be an experienced rider course on 17 May, 2014 at the Naugatuck Community College in Waterbury, CT.

NOTE: to attend this course, you MUST sign up with the actual rider course: you can also sign up on the COG calendar but that will NOT reserve a slot in the actual course!

To join, go to the web page here  http://www.nv.edu/Motorcycle    download the student information packet under the "Get Registered" tab, fill out the form and submit it via mail (real main- USPS) or FAX. A quick phone call to make sure there are open slots available would be a great idea as these things tend to fill up pretty fast. There are only 12 slots available to start with (12 slots for motorcycles, passengers do not take up a 'slot').

This course is available to both riders AND passengers so could be of great interest to COGgers who ride 2-up a lot. Andrea has been asked several times by COG pillions is there are any training or skills enhancement courses available where a passenger can actually participate, and this is the one. Perfect for anyone looking to improve riding skills and maybe gain a bit of extra confidence when riding with a passenger. Perfect for new or not so new passengers looking for a bit more confidence too.

As a plus, this particular course is being taught by our own Steve Smith so when we do make a mistake, at least it is a friend chuckling at us about it and who doesn't want that?

Before anyone asks, I do not know if there is a limit on non- human passengers; both Kirby and Mr. Elkhoof are going to want to attend and probably Andrea as well so I will have to check.
