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Deals Gap


I am thinking about doing a Wed - Fri trip to the Deals Gap area in about 3 weeks.  Anyone interested in joining me?
Sounds like a fun run. I am also planning to do the gap in June as soon as I have time off, weekend of June 16-18. Running North from FLA.
Coach T said:
Sounds like a fun run. I am also planning to do the gap in June as soon as I have time off, weekend of June 16-18. Running North from FLA.

That's Fathers Day weekend, so that wouldn't work for me.  ???
Wish I could go, but no vacation until fall.  Last year I stayed at Two Wheel Inn, just south of the Dragon.  Each room had it's own garage.  Nice folks running the place.  I'll be making that a yearly trek and stay overnight there.  First time I rode from south of atlanta up there, rode it twice, then back home.  490 miles on a 2001 ZR7s.  Looking forward to making my first run on my recently aquired 2011 connie.
+1 on the Two Wheel Inn.  The beds weren't the best, but everything was clean and the people were great.  We sat outside and talked to 3 guys from MI until about 11pm.  The guys across from us were grilling and having a great time as well.  Very friendly atmosphere.
Just a heads up about the Dragon , NC DOT banned big rigs from it finally hope TN does the same soon. Just be careful we do not want to see Connie parts on the tree of shame!!!! :'(
I was just at the tree for my first time this past weekend, no Connie parts to be seen. Anyone know who is the local leadership type in North Georgia? I am new here and need to get plugged in. Yeah Yeah pay my due's i know i know. Maybe this paycheck... Any help appreciated.
There is Robert Elliott, Jack Ferguson and Tom Sills up Hotlanta/north GA.

If you go to the main website, cog-online.org,  (Do not attempt "log in" under Member Area, if you are logged in, log out to see COG Chapters)  About COG, COG Chapters, Southeast Area, Leadership Team, the AD/AAD's names/locations are there. 

Also contact Al Norcross,  SE AD at  sead AT cog-online DOT org  he'll be able to put you in direct touch need be.

Victor Salisbury said:
There is Robert Elliott, Jack Ferguson and Tom Sills up Hotlanta/north GA.

If you go to the main website, cog-online.org,  (Do not attempt "log in" under Member Area, if you are logged in, log out to see COG Chapters)  About COG, COG Chapters, Southeast Area, Leadership Team, the AD/AAD's names/locations are there. 

Also contact Al Norcross,  SE AD at  sead AT cog-online DOT org  he'll be able to put you in direct touch need be.


Thanbks very much!
I am in the Hotlanta area, damn Hot too at 102 in the shade today, PHEWW!!
Hot? Yes!!! May be too warm to spin the wheels, so feel free to PM me via the Forum.  Check out the SE calendar - there are three RTE's in July, two of which are 'close enuff' to those of us north of the gnat line.  'Course, if'n you want to do a SaddleSore the third might work... :))
Volcantour said:
Hot? Yes!!! May be too warm to spin the wheels, so feel free to PM me via the Forum.  Check out the SE calendar - there are three RTE's in July, two of which are 'close enuff' to those of us north of the gnat line.  'Course, if'n you want to do a SaddleSore the third might work... :))

Hi Tom,
I can only see one RTE on the calendar. The one I posted under SE events for Flowriduh is not on there, what else is going on?

PS. Those Black and Tan Yuenglings where yummy, thanks again. :beerchug: :beerchug:
The calendar now shows one gathering at the NC Zoo (wonder how we'll be able to tell who's a resident and who's not?!?) and another at the metropolis of Uvilla, GA to see the site (no plural, here!).  Then, there's the gathering youse guys are putting together in the way south.  All three may not be RTE (though I hear fried ostrich is pretty tasty).  For the month of July, that's a pretty good selection.

Glad you liked the selection of beverage. Black&Tans are getting to be a favorite of mine. 
Volcantour said:
The calendar now shows one gathering at the NC Zoo (wonder how we'll be able to tell who's a resident and who's not?!?)

We just know.  :nananana: But you outsiders are still welcome.  :great:
Volcantour said:
The calendar now shows one gathering at the NC Zoo (wonder how we'll be able to tell who's a resident and who's not?!?) and another at the metropolis of Uvilla, GA to see the site (no plural, here!).  Then, there's the gathering youse guys are putting together in the way south.  All three may not be RTE (though I hear fried ostrich is pretty tasty).  For the month of July, that's a pretty good selection.

Glad you liked the selection of beverage. Black&Tans are getting to be a favorite of mine.
Agreed on the July thing. It might get a little hot out, but it's only sweat, right?

Have fun with what yer doin up there, that steak thing sounds real good, just a bit of a stretch in the heat for me.