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Does being hit by a deer get me a CDA?


Big Wheel
i left Medix Run, PA and took Quehanna Highway to Karthaus around 9:15am this morning. At approx 9:50am I was all settled into my ride when a deer came pouncing out of the woods and hit me right in the side. I was traveling about 60mph and the deer look like a torpedo and I was the battleship. He scored a direct to hit. I kept the bike up but boy do those side bags shatter and make a mess on the road. I turned around and went back to pick up some of my stuff and what a mess...oh the deer lay there and watched me pick up everything and then when I went to see how he was, he got up and jumped away...Scared me to death, but man the C14 stuck good and I got it stopped with out really approaching in type of wreck situation. I think maybe the bag actually pushed the deer away from bike, from what it seemed like at least. Not sure that qualifies but it is something I will not forget EVER!!
Glad to hear that you, the deer and the bike are OK for the most part. Those deer can be pesky varmints. I had an altercation this past march that keep me off the bike for 8 weeks. http://www.flickr.com/photos/7454943@N05/4442505636/sizes/o/ COG #8961
Nope, doesn't qualify a a CDA but a good story none the less. Glad everything worked out and you were uninjured.
Ouch. Sorry, no CDA. This essentially a crash plus the speed has to be under 5 mph; parking lot speeds. I'm glad you are ok, this could have really been bad. Greg H from Mass Connie Droppers Anonymous Awards Dude COG# 7010,a Tracey CDA 120 (2.0) 99 Connie "Herrin Christabelle" 05 Ninja 250
Wow. Deer take out cars routinely where I am. So glad you are okay. Nice job keeping your wits about you and controlling the bike.
Yeah I didn't think it fit the bill, but I had to post it anyway. I still keep going over the whole incident in my head and what I could have done differently. At this point I don't think there is anything I could have done, except show up a few seconds earlier or later. P.S. Dude - couldn't get access to your picture...