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Street Cruiser
Had a close encounter of the canine kind this fall and found that my standard evasion technique still works well.

Big brute of a farm dog saw me coming and was poised at the roadside.  I veered out to the middle, waited a sec, and then started a trajectory straight at him.  For some reason, this locks them on the spot ("hey, dinners comin' right to me!").

At the appropriate moment, you gas it big time and suddenly veer back towards the middle of the roadway.  If you time it right, Rover stays where he is and you continue on.

Much easier to do when there's no traffic or other interference to factor in.

You may need to adjust something if you are freezing space/time...As soon as that poor pooch is out of your space/time wake, he is going to drop like a stone all confused and require years of therapy...Or end up on the other side of a wormhole in some distant alternate universe where cats are the sentient species and enslave dogs...We don't want PeTA after you!

Any animal I can kick more then 5 feet I hit straight and level, except armadillo.  Even bigger objects like a deer might be better off taken on the same way since it is the braking and swerving stuff that gets us in trouble sometimes.  Seen the Connie split a deer and keep on going.  Also seen a bike flip end to end five times from being hard on the brakes when it struck a small deer.