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From the Flying Fickle Finger of Fate (you older folks will get it) of the SWAD


Well Hello SW. As I continue to struggle with email blasts through COGMOS I thought I would take this opportunity to pass on the latest and greatest. Please share with the members that do not frequent the forum. From all accounts the Red Rock and Rally was a great success. Thank you to all the participants, sponsors and rally helpers. You all did a great job. Did that cobbler just kick butt or what? We all truly look forward to the next one.
The National is right around the corner. This ones in our backyard (figuratively) and I hope your plans are well under way or finalized. The SW area's focus post RRR is the national http://concours.org/2013-national-home-page and helping and promoting wherever we can. It looks to be a great event and I know personally that the riding cannot be beat. There are several planning threads. One of which is presented here by Brad S. CO AAD for the return route. I'm signed up and hope you can join us. The route is awesome. http://forum.cog-online.org/index.php/topic,45124.0.html
Randy B has been busy with the Sacto group. They had a ride this weekend to Lassen and have this on the calendar for October http://www.cog-online.org/clubportal/EventDisplayNew.cfm?clubID=1328&EventID=186497&mo=10&tDate=%7Bd%20%272013%2D10%2D04%27%7D My registrations in. Also posted up are a Southern Oregon ride hosted by Dam Dan NW Oregon AAD that may be of interest http://forum.cog-online.org/index.php/topic,45235.0.html
The location for the 2014 regional in AZ has been determined and it will be in Prescott AZ. Details are being worked out but Bert L and team are hard at it. They also have a wrench session M&E that should be showing on the calendar soon.
Randy B believes he has a fantastic location selected for the 2014 regional in CA and is hard at work with that task.
Please join me in Welcoming Mark Owen (Captain Marko on the forum) to the staff of the SW area. He has graciously volunteered to lead the newsletter for the SW area. With Marks help we'll figure this out.
On a sadder note I'm sure you all had seen the post that we had lost Jim Sims, Longtime COGGER and AZ member to a motorcycle accident. Some of us had the pleasure to met Jim and his memory will live on. We will be having a memorial ride in his Honor during the 2014 regional in AZ with donations going to his memorial fund that his family has set up. God Speed Jim.
In closing I would like to ask all members of the SW area. Please post up your ideas for rides and events. They all don't have to be on the calendar. If you decide your going for a ride on Sunday on the Friday before post it up if you want some company. If you have long term plans for a ride or get together let your AAD know and they can help get the word out there (Still looking for So Cal and New Mexico AAD's by the way). You folks are the fuel that run this club. Help us help you. As always any questions or concerns please let your AAD's or myself know how we can help or improve.
C U in Idaho Falls
Mark Hartman