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Front brake lever not activating brake lignt


Big Wheel
Hi All, I seem to be having some springtime electrical issues with my '05 Connie. I was checking my lights before a recent ride and noticed my brake light wouldn't come on when I squeeze the front brake lever. The foot pedal does activate it, however, so it's not the bulb. Any suggestions on how to troubleshoot this? Many thanks! Dave
Dave, loook under the right grip area and you'll see the switch. If I remember correctly, it is held in place by two small screws. When I had this issue with my bike, I loosened the screws and readjusted the switch. If this doesn't fix it, try removing the switch and spray the plunger with a little WD-40 or such. Work the plunger back-and-forth and then check your brake lights. If they now work, reinstall and adjusted the switch. If not, it's a bad switch. Good luck with it! Eddie 2005 Concours 1969 Triumph Bonneville AMA# 686667 COG# 7073 CDA# 0136 http://picasaweb.google.com/Eddie753
Also check for loose wire/connector at the brake switchm, as I seem to recall these are easy to dislodge when working in the area.
Thanks Eddie & Rich. I checked it out per your advice but still no luck, so it's likely a bad switch as you say. Thanks again! Dave
Remove the switch. You can take the switch apart and clean the contacts. They get corroded from rain and moisture.It is a common issue. If that does not work go to Murphs. He sells that switch.
First, pull the connector(s) and use a piece of wire (paper clip) to jump the pins to see if the light does indeed come on. Likely it will, thus proving you have a bum switch. But if it doesn't, well....welcome to the twilight zone. It's somewhere else.