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Front Breaks


The front breaks started grabbing / pulsing. Most noticable at a slow speed and less so at higher speeds. I sanded the rotors and that helped some. At 7,500 miles I replaces the pads with stintered. Problem is gone. UP
One thing I have noticed on my 2010 ZG1400 is the noisy front brakes. They "clack" when you engage them. Of course you do not hear this when traveling, but when peddling back out of a parking space you do. I have never heard this type of noise from my Hondas (600 F4, CBR1000RR). Reason for concern? Normal behavior.
The C14 uses separate pads for each piston and they will move some when you pedal the bike backwards. What you are actually hearing when you back up is the pad shifting in the caliper. Its completely normal.
What Fred said but with a modification.... My 09's front breaks pulsed like crazy at slow speed such as coming to a stop. I sanded the rotors which helped but did not cure. After awapping pads at 3,500 miles for stintered the pulsing went away and has not returned in 6,000 miles. UP