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Grand Touring Custom 2-Up Baldwin Bike Saddles Seat For Sale


I purchased my custom seat from Baldwin Bike Saddles in March 2019. The seat is a Grand Touring Custom 2-Up seat with nickel top stitching, black carbon vinyl seating surface with black leather grain embossed vinyl side banding. The Baldwin seat was built on my stock seat pan. I purchased a Kawasaki Touring seat for use until the new Baldwin seat came in. I really like the Kawasaki Touring seat! There were no issues with the new seat during construction and shipping back to me and I really like the seat. My only issue was that the new seat was a bit taller and the "wings" under my legs forced me to "slide forward" to get my feet on the ground at stops. I eventually decided that while I could definitely use the seat I could not get comfortable with the extended reach to the ground. FYI, I have a 33" inseam. So, I put the seat inside several garbage bags and placed it in the basement. I decided to try it again this past week. I was still not comfortable with the reach to the ground and the required move forward to the thinner part of the seat when stopping. So I've reluctantly decided to sell it. I probably have only ridden the seat 3 to 4 times for very short distances. It is - of course - like new. As far as price, I really have no idea. I spent $600 on the seat + the stock seat pan. The Baldwin seat was delivered to me at the end of March 2019. Please let me know if you have any interest. I can supply additional pictures! Thanks, Jeff

I have the same seat both my wife and I love it. I have a 34" inseam. The wings don't bother me but I am used to tall bikes so not being totally flat footed doesn't both me. I have at least 30K on my seat and still looks good.
I would highly recommend it over the stock seat.
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Hi all... I definitely like the Baldwin seat, I just wish it was bit lower or maybe that the wings didn't extend out quite so far. When you are cruising you can sit back a bit and it is very supportive. However, when riding locally, I always find myself moving forward to be able to get my feet down at stops. I am located in a small town just North of Pittsburgh, PA. More stop and go than long distance cruising.
I purchased my custom seat from Baldwin Bike Saddles in March 2019. The seat is a Grand Touring Custom 2-Up seat with nickel top stitching, black carbon vinyl seating surface with black leather grain embossed vinyl side banding. The Baldwin seat was built on my stock seat pan. I purchased a Kawasaki Touring seat for use until the new Baldwin seat came in. I really like the Kawasaki Touring seat! There were no issues with the new seat during construction and shipping back to me and I really like the seat. My only issue was that the new seat was a bit taller and the "wings" under my legs forced me to "slide forward" to get my feet on the ground at stops. I eventually decided that while I could definitely use the seat I could not get comfortable with the extended reach to the ground. FYI, I have a 33" inseam. So, I put the seat inside several garbage bags and placed it in the basement. I decided to try it again this past week. I was still not comfortable with the reach to the ground and the required move forward to the thinner part of the seat when stopping. So I've reluctantly decided to sell it. I probably have only ridden the seat 3 to 4 times for very short distances. It is - of course - like new. As far as price, I really have no idea. I spent $600 on the seat + the stock seat pan. The Baldwin seat was delivered to me at the end of March 2019. Please let me know if you have any interest. I can supply additional pictures! Thanks, Jeff

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