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It's the damn lawnmower's fault


I had my lawnmower behind me and being lazy I attempted to move it around the @#$! thing and well yes I'm a Dropper  :(

It only broke off a little of my plastic (easily fixed with jbweld) and scraped up the mirror, but she's still ridable....

OK I've said it...I'm a dropper....
Well welcome! kinda! Did it fall on the mower? that might make it a "wreck" being two vehicles and all!! :p.
Sorry for the misfortune and believe me, we all feel your pain.  :'(
Once she passes the point of no return, over she goes!
I'm about 145 lbs, 6 ft 1.  I've found I just don't have the weight etc to move the bike around without sitting on her first.
After a near drop incident I decided proper footwear is a must when moving her around.  I think I was wearing slippers.
Glad to hear the damage wasn't too bad.

Is that a C10 or C14?
Well, I did a video of me putting a C14 on the center stand barefoot....  but I do prefer to wear shoes to move 'er around.  :D

Sorry to hear your misfortune.  Obviously it was the lawn mowers fault!  LOL
Sorry it took so long to get back here. Life is a little crazy.  It's a C10 and it's better now.  I had to bondo a piece that broke off, but we call her lil Frankenstein for a reason ;)  I never pull or push her without some type of foot protection.  It's just a little too heavy if it fell on my foot,,,just the though makes me wince...
doug said:
Well welcome! kinda! Did it fall on the mower? that might make it a "wreck" being two vehicles and all!! :p.
Sorry for the misfortune and believe me, we all feel your pain.  :'(

Actually it kind of fell on me and then the mower so 2 1/2 vehicles if you can count humans as such!  :eek:
I luv it.  Great story.  Lawnwomer did it.  Dang, why didn't I think of that last time?

Currently my bike has not been down in over a year.  But hope springs eternal that there's another new way to gitterdun with every new day.  :-[