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I've known it's always been a matter of "when"


Name: Kevin H. COG# 42425 Bike: '09 Red C14 ABS Date: 9/21/2010 It pains me to have to post this today but "the drop" has happened. We are on a week long CO run and while riding CO149 I saw a great spot to stop and snap a few pics. Didn't pull in right on the dirt and rocks to drop the kickstand so I thought I would turn it around. I'm sure you know all too well what happens next when I say I was turning around slowly on an incline in dirt and loose rocks. When she started to lean right, the low side of the incline, I had my foot down in an instant but it was too far to the ground. I turned the bars to the right and held on with all my might but it was just not enough to keep her from laying down. I will admit to my great fortune in this mishap, not too many rocks and gravel in this dirt so the gentle "drop" has resulted in some minor scrapes & scratches on the right pannier, the front silver of the potato launcher, and the right mirror. What kills me is I know better than to try to turn around slowly on inclines in dirt. Guess I had to learn the lesson the hard way. Thanks for listening... Kevin
Scraps and scratchs on mirrors,etc are badges of honor - you have to be riding to have a drop. All two of mine were in my driveway withing 5 minutes of each other. Foot slipped on wet pine cone and down we went. When I got her up I pushed to hard and my feet slipped again and she went down on the opposite side pulling me on top of her. Thank heavens it was late at night so I there were no witnesses. Welcome to the club. Now go to the Fanatics site and apply for your CDA# C K Roach Jr IBA#42837 COG#9094 CDA# 0319 you cant lose what you never had 2005 Concour "Gold Rush" 1983 Suzuki GS750ES - Project 1983 Suzuki GL850 - Sold 1982 Suzuki GS650G - Sold
As someone who got their CDA in my own driveway and then almost earned an encore 3 miles from home; while being 6'3 with 35" inseam - it can happen to many bodies and yours is much more justified than mine. I know it doesn't make you feel any better but at least it's true.
I see you did post over here as well. So welcome to the club that nobody wants to be a member of! :) Bionic Bob COG & AMA member First C14 CDA member #0220 08 C14,03 Mean Streak, & 86 C10
Kevin, CDA0330. Happens to the best of us. I'm at 3 now! That's about 1 every 2 years. Glad to hear not much damage to you or the bike. Croach - this is the correct place to post official COG drops.