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Japanese MC production


FYI, latest on MC production in Japan.

Thanks Topster.  I suppose most of us have been wondering about this.  We have Lexus and Acura cars as well as the C-14 and a Goldwing.  Let's hope we have no significant mechanical problems.  My heart goes out to that country but I guess if we don't ride it won't really help them.
Definately thank you for the link! I have Toyo T100, Corolla, Nissan Pathfinder and my Concours of cours!
I don't really care for my needs as my stuff is all old and we have more vehicles than we drive X2 if i have a failure a part is not available for, but I sure do pray production can fire back up to keep the financial faucet running for the people there.

Aren't the big Kawasakis all built here? I know the supply line will be an issue, I just don't know how much of the actual production is stateside.

Perhaps some production facilities will reopen here to maintain the businesses. That would be an ironic turn of events..
Back when I got my 1991 ZX11 it came new from the plant in Nebraska. I never bothered to look since, but they might still be making one or more models there.

My ZX11 was a pre-production machine, pretty much handmade, and someone with skillz had polished and ported the head and done some other engine work. I met 3 other guys with pre-production machines and all of them had been "hot-rodded" before delivery.

So if they are still in Nebraska, and making 2011 C14s, then some good machines are coming out of that plant.
Privateer said:
Back when I got my 1991 ZX11 it came new from the plant in Nebraska. I never bothered to look since, but they might still be making one or more models there.

Unfortunately not... that plant is making ATV/Mule.  Concours production was moved back to Japan.
