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Joined the club after 1.5 months of ownership.


Training Wheels
Dropped in the parking lot at work. I checked the kickstand, and it WAS down. Swung the right leg back and over, and just as the foot touched pavement, she slowly rolled over on her left side... like a great ship barrel rolling as it sinks.

Ugh. Should mostly buff out.

Haven't dropped a bike in over 7 years. The Blackbird nor the Goldwing never met the ground.

Hopefully I got it out of my system before my 1800 mile trip this weekend!  :-[
Did the kickstand sink or fold up because the bike was in neutral? Never  leave the bike in neutral!!!!!!  :-[
Benjamin, CDA0348.
I did my first one at work except it was backing into a space too fast with the wheel turned and over she went.  Luckily only 2 witnesses!
I hear the C14 breaks less parts on a drop than a C10; that's good.
Glad to hear your CDA ain't gonna cost a mess of Benjamins.  A month and a half, eh?  What took ya so long? :eek:
I think I had about three drops in that period of time. One costing another guy HIS scooter. LOL  ANyways, I too hope it's out of your system and you can just enjoy from here on out. 
Ohhhhh... that club!  :-\  I thought you meant COG.  Maybe someday.

Do you know the cause?  Is Bob correct?
It wasn't in neutral... what I believe occured was that even though it was in gear, it rolled forward to hit the end of the slack in the tranny (a couple of inches,) and the forward motion caused the kickstand to fold up.

Since the incident I installed a permanent puck on the end of the kickstand, and I also am certain to push the bike all the way forward in gear before I get off, so that the only direction it can roll is backwards... forcing the kickstand "lower."