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Late Applicant - Time to Confess

After a fifteen year hiatus, I returned to m/c riding in March of last year, and purchased my C10/1999 model from a fellow Cogger in Seattle, WA.  I entered the realm of Connie ownership with eyes wide open, having read much about the bike's fondness for reaching what my good friend Ben calls the bike's "natural state of rest."  Ben owns a Honda ST1300 which has the same tendencies as the Connie.

On April 8, 2010 at about 2pm, I was riding in the mountain neighborhoods of SW Portland.  Pulled up to stop sign on a residential street, a street with an incline of about 45 degrees.  The view to the thoroughfare I was trying to pull onto was blocked by a line of cars on the shoulder to my left, thus blocking any hope of seeing oncoming traffic.  I had now owned the bike for a grand total of 18 days, had just filled the gas tank to its most top heavy status, and was slipping the clutch and rolling back, and leaning forward....well you get the picture.  I still couldn't see oncoming traffic.  So, I just got tired of the whole thing and eased my wheel into the street, of course, just as a large SUV came speeding down the street, suddenly appearing out of nowhere from behind the line of parked cars.

In my eighteen days of renewed experience, I managed to stall the bike as I jerked around to the right out of the way.  I caught the bike about half way down, and held it about 60 seconds to no avail, and then had to lay her down gently.  Damage to the bike limited to a few minor scratches.  I sustained a severe shot to the ego and a bit of embarrassment.  The owner of the house on the corner was staring at the whole thing through his picture window with his mouth, as they say, agape.

Lessons learned?  Spend more time on flat surfaces getting the hang of the controls before you take this behemoth into the hills.
Yeah, I can picture that one and unless you can lift and amazing amount of weight  :eek: the slow drop is the best of us hope for! I hate them blind corners  :mad: and a quick stop just as you get rolling is a huge challenge. Sorry for your CDA but glad it was relatively pain and damage free.  :) And at least you can choose to NOT go by your gawkers-on-the-corner. Mine consisted of my wife, and two neighbors I either drive by almost daily or sleep with!  :))

I had a guy come right into my lane this morning  :mad: and managed to grab enough brake to let him slide on in front of me. I fed him headlights for a couple of minutes but it reinforces the saying popular here that you need to ride "not like you are invisible but rather as if they painted a big red target on you and are actively trying to take you out!" I have been back at riding a bit over 3 months nowand the ballancing act does get easier. Be careful out there and welcome to the club!!
Doug and ConRad
It's amazing how top heavy the bike can be with a full tank of fuel. Welcome to the club for your definetly not alone!
doug said:
:) And at least you can choose to NOT go by your gawkers-on-the-corner. Mine consisted of my wife, and two neighbors I either drive by almost daily or sleep with!  :))
DOUG!!!  You sleep with your neighbors?    :eek:
Ain't English fun?  ;)
Rev Ryder said:
doug said:
:) And at least you can choose to NOT go by your gawkers-on-the-corner. Mine consisted of my wife, and two neighbors I either drive by almost daily or sleep with!  :))
DOUG!!!  You sleep with your neighbors?    :eek:
Ain't English fun?  ;)

Being that the title is "Late Applicant- Time To Confess I guess ya got me.  :p
I USE to sleep with 'em ALL every night.. but they put me on Night Shift so I think they sleep more often with my wife than me.  ^-^ Now, I mostly sleep with the Dogs cause they sleep almost any time with anyone that naps durin' the day or works nights too... And I probably sleep with lots of racoons and such since they are nocturnal like me!  :eek:

Actually to utilize English of another tint I have to quote Clint Eastwood from UNFORGIVEN... "I ain't like that anymore Ned!"

I'm glad your a "Man of the Cloth" cause the "less righteous" might would read somethin in that just ain't there!!!  ;) backatcha!
doug said:
Rev Ryder said:
doug said:
:) And at least you can choose to NOT go by your gawkers-on-the-corner. Mine consisted of my wife, and two neighbors I either drive by almost daily or sleep with!  :))
DOUG!!!  You sleep with your neighbors?    :eek:
Ain't English fun?  ;)

Being that the title is "Late Applicant- Time To Confess I guess ya got me.  :p
I USE to sleep with 'em ALL every night.. but they put me on Night Shift so I think they sleep more often with my wife than me.  ^-^ Now, I mostly sleep with the Dogs cause they sleep almost any time with anyone that naps durin' the day or works nights too... And I probably sleep with lots of racoons and such since they are nocturnal like me!  :eek:

Actually to utilize English of another tint I have to quote Clint Eastwood from UNFORGIVEN... "I ain't like that anymore Ned!"

I'm glad your a "Man of the Cloth" cause the "less righteous" might would read somethin in that just ain't there!!!  ;) backatcha!

I AM the less righteous.  I probably wrote it in there so's they could read it.  >:D
Rev Ryder said:
doug said:
Rev Ryder said:
doug said:
:) And at least you can choose to NOT go by your gawkers-on-the-corner. Mine consisted of my wife, and two neighbors I either drive by almost daily or sleep with!  :))
DOUG!!!  You sleep with your neighbors?    :eek:
Ain't English fun?  ;)

Being that the title is "Late Applicant- Time To Confess I guess ya got me.  :p
I USE to sleep with 'em ALL every night.. but they put me on Night Shift so I think they sleep more often with my wife than me.  ^-^ Now, I mostly sleep with the Dogs cause they sleep almost any time with anyone that naps durin' the day or works nights too... And I probably sleep with lots of racoons and such since they are nocturnal like me!  :eek:

Actually to utilize English of another tint I have to quote Clint Eastwood from UNFORGIVEN... "I ain't like that anymore Ned!"

I'm glad your a "Man of the Cloth" cause the "less righteous" might would read somethin in that just ain't there!!!  ;) backatcha!

I AM the less righteous.  I probably wrote it in there so's they could read it.  >:D

I confess... You and me both  :p

Doug, CDA0337.
The one time I did try to save mine from going over, I pulled my hamstring real good.  Black and blue up my leg for like a week.
Guess I gotta bulk up!
Glad to hear your damage was minor.
doug said:

Yeah, don't take Doug too Sirius, Scratch.  ;)

Hey Doug, I'm thinkin' it ain't polite to call this nice Connie Dropper by his last name and we oughta just call him Sirius or Sirius Scratch.  I mean a guy with Sirius Scratch can afford new footpegs weekly, and it ain't a bad thing to be "un-serious" enough to call himself Sirius (which other than a radio station is the brightest star in the sky), but just to call him Scratch ain't nice considerin' that other "Ol' Scratch" would never have the manners or fortitude to confess nuttin'.  >:D

And I like this guy.

I lost count on my CDAs and quit givin' em numbers.  :eek: 
habelsgtb said:
Doug, CDA0337.
The one time I did try to save mine from going over, I pulled my hamstring real good.  Black and blue up my leg for like a week.
Guess I gotta bulk up!
Glad to hear your damage was minor.
Mr. Greg, did you mean that number CDA0337 for Sirius Scratch?  Or has Doug got ANOTHER one comin'?  :p
all I can say is welcome to the club ^-^ Sometimes the slow drop is the most painfull  I GOT IT :D  I DON'T GOT IT  :( NO REALLY I GOT IT  :D OH NO  :eek: DAMM  :mad: WELL DON'T JUST STAND THERE HELP ME PICK THIS THING UP  8)
Yeah, I've had both and I prefer the "Damn, what am I doing here on the ground".  No mussel strain, no drama, It's just over and done with.
Rev Ryder said:
habelsgtb said:
Doug, CDA0337.
The one time I did try to save mine from going over, I pulled my hamstring real good.  Black and blue up my leg for like a week.
Guess I gotta bulk up!
Glad to hear your damage was minor.
Mr. Greg, did you mean that number CDA0337 for Sirius Scratch?  Or has Doug got ANOTHER one comin'?  :p

I second the question!  :-\ Or perhaps we just learned Doug has a Sirius Scratch.... or Sirius Scratch IS a Doug.. which explains why he is so likeable  :eek: !! But it probably makes him highly smitable as well!  >:D
I have been fully rubber down since my 2 rubber ups..  :D No new CDA for me thank you!
Woops - I got confused there.  The CDA is for Sirius.  Sorry bout that.
doug said:
Rev Ryder said:
habelsgtb said:
Doug, CDA0337.
The one time I did try to save mine from going over, I pulled my hamstring real good.  Black and blue up my leg for like a week.
Guess I gotta bulk up!
Glad to hear your damage was minor.
Mr. Greg, did you mean that number CDA0337 for Sirius Scratch?  Or has Doug got ANOTHER one comin'?  :p

I second the question!  :-\ Or perhaps we just learned Doug has a Sirius Scratch.... or Sirius Scratch IS a Doug.. which explains why he is so likeable  :eek: !! But it probably makes him highly smitable as well!  >:D
I have been fully rubber down since my 2 rubber ups..  :D No new CDA for me thank you!
Okay folks, you got me flummoxed and I can be a little slow sometimes.  Just to clarify, it's me, Sirius, and not Doug that has CDA0337, right? 

After the interchange above this post, I thought I had temporarily stepped into an old episode of Monty Python's Flying Circus.  English IS fun.  I was highly interested in your neighbors and neighborhood after your first post Doug!  Obviously, being a gentleman, I am excluding any inferences about your wife :eek:

The Late Applicant reference in my post reflects the months long internal debate over whether to admit that it took me just 18 days to earn a CDA. 

Unfortunately, at about the five month mark after purchase, I also fell down doing about 20mph on an unfamiliar twisty.  That's another story altogether.  It took me about 5 additional months to recuperate from what the FAA would refer to as Pilot Error.  At 6'2", it is nearly impossible to ride a Connie with a full knee brace.  I know, I tried.  But the spectre of another CDA criteria drop scared me more than another at speed drop.  I've been thinking about it though, if I had been going just a little slower on the twisty, I could've just re-upped for a CDA and likely wouldn't have busted my leg!

I bought a used bike so I wouldn't feel bad about some road rash here and there.  For the purposes of the forum, the bike and rider are one and the same.  Sirius Scratch is my Connie's name (formerly known as InCognito).  English being the fun language that it is......my Connie's new name is a reference to the bike's condition after the 20mph drop.  My right side pannier looked like it needed a shave after the drop so, well, you probably get the picture!  Play on words you know, Sirius.....Serious......Scratch.

At first I was going to call her Sirius Merlot since she's a '99 model.  That all started with a nod to Sirius Black in the Harry Potter books (my daughter is a huge fan of the books/movies so I am more familiar than I ought to be with the Potter characters).  After the crash, and the road rash, it dawned on me that Sirius Merlot sounded like a fru-fru name.  This is no fru-fru girl.  If you know the Prior owner and recognize InGognito, then you may be aware she has the overbore pistons and con-rod upgrade and is putting out better than stock performance.  So Sirius Scratch.  Less like wine, tending toward beer.  Less like a lady, tending toward country girl, or stripper.  But I digress.

So thanks, Doug, I think.
Great story/explanation.

I got ConRad as a return to riding platform as well. Ultimately I will likely head for a C14 or what they have lightly used in the 4-5 years I will take to wear out ConRad. My goal is 250-300,000 miles and being a hundred mile daily commuter it shouldn't take too long to get there.

I had a dump before I had a drop as well in a construction zone. 3 cars joined my lane ahead of me and I "pilot errored" the brakes locking the back, over braking the front and let the back out a bit mid fishtail and He snapped back dumping me on the right lowside at 5 or 10 miles an hour 5 foot from the car. It was a bit of a relief having it done and over as I was really wanting to stay pristine though I knew deep down it wouldn't happen being new to street.  Same kind of bag rash with a bit of fairing damage and mirror rash.
Your CDA is confirmed 0337 as habelsgtb noted. He is the OZ of the CDA world so he does have the final answer.
Be careful out there and keep rubber down!
doug n ConRad