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Looking for Riders in the Sacramento/SF Bay Area



Anyone interested in meeting up for rides in the Sac/SF Bay Area? Saturdays or Sundays?

Is there already a "group" for those areas that gets together?

Hey Buddy,

I'm in Santa Cruz and often up for a weekend ride. There are a couple of other COG riders in the area who have joined me on one-day rides I've started, so post a plan and you never know who might show up.

Thanks, Dan. I will do that in the very near future. How much lead time do you recommend giving?

Buddy said:
Anyone interested in meeting up for rides in the Sac/SF Bay Area? Saturdays or Sundays?

Is there already a "group" for those areas that gets together?

Raymond - there's a group that gets together pretty regular in the Sac'to area. Buddy Scherr maintains an email list for activities. Send an email to: shures "at" msn.com. Put "SACOG Mail List" in the subject line. Let him know you're new and would like to be added to the list. Tell him I sent ya'.

They should have their monthly dinner get together in a couple of weeks.

BTW, where are you located? I'm in north San Jose.


Thanks, Jim. I will follow-up with Buddy Scherr.

I am in Berkeley for the next couple of months, then back to the Davis area. I have at least one day free most weekends.

If Murph's delivers the radiator fan switch I ordered, I'd be up for a ride one day this weekend, or the following.

Take care,

Hey Buddy,

I can't say that my advice on timing is going to be a template for success. I've posted 3 rides over the past couple of years and each has been attended by one other COGger (though 1 ride I also brought along a neighbor who rides -- so we had 3).

Giving folks a few weeks seems to give time for people to see it and to compare schedules.

I tend to be pretty locked down with family and work stuff (ie. my only open weekend between now and November is Oct. 25-26 -- and that may change).

But don't be shy -- I think folks are looking to ride.
Dang Buddy you just missed our regional rally in Graeagle. You could have made about 70 new friends there. You've got a great group of folks there in the Sacto area. Get hooked up with them. Mark it on your Calendar we will be having our COG National in Cortez Co. June of 2015. Right now hoping between 3 and 400.
Bummer, I started exploring the forum a little late! I did make the NW COG Bun Cooler to Idaho. Superb trip and gathering. The 2015 National is on my calendar.  I'm now on the "SACOG" list so I should be in the know for area rides as well. I look forward to them.

The SACOG group meets at "Brookfield's" at I 80 and Madison on the first Thursday of the month at 6:00 pm. I have never been to dinner/meeting but have been on rides with them and they are great people. wee were at the Southwest Rally in Graeagle last weekend with them and a bunch of others from all around and had a great time.