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Meet & Greet: Hudson River Valley, NY

S Smith

Northeast Area Director
I received a surprise and welcome email from BigBen (Otunu) the other day saying that he would like to continue the Hudson River Valley Meet and Greets on the 2nd Saturday of each month.  Ben says "In the months to come we will shift the Meet & Greet to a different locations each month in an effort to share the burden of travel and bring the event closer to more members. As the weather improves, the monthly event will be modified to a Meet, Ride and Eat event. Members are encouraged to suggest ride destinations and rendezvous points in the Hudson Valley region."

Initial Meet & Greet locations (see details on the Event Calendar
  • January - Neptune Diner, Newburgh, NY
  • February - 84 Diner, Fishkill, NY
  • March - Carmel Diner, Carmel, NY

Like all COG activities, these meet & greets are brand neutral.  Members and Forum Subscribers are welcome to come meet some old and new COG members.

This is GREAT news as far as I'm concerned. I really enjoyed the monthly M&Gs in Newburg and was saddened to hear Cap'n Bob was resigning. Thank you Bob for all you've done for COG and hope to see you in the spring.

A big thank you to Ben for continuing these M&Gs. See y'all in May.

  Tom Taylor COG#7173
S Smith said:
Initial Meet & Greet locations (see details on the Event Calendar
  • January - Neptune Diner, Newburgh, NY
  • February - 84 Diner, Fishkill, NY
  • March - Carmel Diner, Carmel, NY
Looks like these are edging further and further away from me.  Good.  That should inspire me to do some Capital District Meet & Greets this year.  I'll look at my schedule and try to do them on different weekends - probably starting in the spring - so as not to compete.  (Because I still want to make it to a couple of the Lower Hudson Valley meets.

EDIT: Thanks Ben, for continuing these.  And thanks, Bob, for your COG service.
That's great news for sure. At the last Long Island meet and greet, I had a short questionnaire for members to fill out, one question was, are you willing to meet early and ride to another areas meet & greet? EVERYONE said yes!!  :great: plan on seeing the Long Island group come up to your area to join in the fun once spring arrives.  >:D
Wow, Very happy to see these continue even though I was only able to make a couple of them.

Thanks Cap'n Bob for all your hard work over the years and Thank you to Ben for stepping in to
take over the Meet & Greets. I'll try to make a few if my schedule will allow it.

Looking forward to seeing both of you soon.
Hi Guys,

I just want to take a moment to thank Bob and his family for all the heard work they put in over they years to ensure the success of the Hudson Valley Meet & Greet. As discussed with Steve, I am assuming this responsibility on an interim basis to ensure the continuity of the event. I hope we will be ably to identify a permanent leader for the area within the next few months. I realize that filling Bob's shoes will be a mighty task. I believe we can keep the tradition alive for a long time with the support of members in the area.  Looking forward to a fantastic 2014 riding season.

Happy New Year to all!

Outback Jon said:
S Smith said:
Initial Meet & Greet locations (see details on the Event Calendar
  • January - Neptune Diner, Newburgh, NY
  • February - 84 Diner, Fishkill, NY
  • March - Carmel Diner, Carmel, NY
Looks like these are edging further and further away from me.  Good.  That should inspire me to do some Capital District Meet & Greets this year.  I'll look at my schedule and try to do them on different weekends - probably starting in the spring - so as not to compete.  (Because I still want to make it to a couple of the Lower Hudson Valley meets.

EDIT: Thanks Ben, for continuing these.  And thanks, Bob, for your COG service.

hi Outback Jon,

Please feel free to suggest locations closer to you for either April or May or any other month.

Thanks for stepping up Ben.  Where do I see the actual dates for the meet & greets?  Looking forward to attending some if I happen to be off from work those weekends.

Edit: I see its the 2nd Saturday of the month.  Working next weekend, but hope to be able to make one in the future.  Happy New Year COGers!!
After falling off the face of the earth for a while I think JohnnyLunchbox and I will finally make a concerted effort to attend this Saturday at the Neptune Diner.  I have added it to my calendar and set up two alerts.  Otherwise I may sit around on Saturday morning thinking "Hmmm, I thought I had something to do today?"

Ben, I'm glad to hear you are keeping the tradition alive. 
Was considering stopping by since I had to go to NY anyway for some banking business this morning...  unfortunately I suspect that by the time I finish up in Yrktn Hgts and get to Newburgh you guys will probably be ready to go home.  I'll be traveling along the I-84 corridor between CT, Yorktown, and Mahopac

Pat and Sher in MA said:
Sher & I should be there as long as the weather isn't too bad for the trip.
Looking forward to talking with everyone.

Hey Pat/Sher,

it's raining here now hope you can make it.

Well, I RSVP'd on the calendar, but I'm not going to make it.  Got home too late from work and need to get some sleep.  Due to the ice up north, my relief was almost an hour late, which got me home much later this morning than anticipated.  Maybe I can make the next one.
Due to circumstances well within my control, Sue and I are bowing out of this M&G.  I hope you all have a good meal.
Just a quick note to thank Ben for continuing the Hudson River Valley meet & greets
and also for the great time Sher & I had. It was nice to hear some travel stories
and also plan a little for this years national. Good food and company as usual  :great:

Sorry some of you missed this but hope to see you at another upcoming event soon.
Special thanks to Bill, Pat, Sherry, the Japanese Figurine (whose name I forget now) and Abbe for making it to the Meet & Greet this morning. Pat, my apologies for Abbe's rain dance not working this times, instead it produced rain, fog and floods. With a little practice, she should be good by the summer, just in time for the Nationals. I hope you had a good time, we look forward to seeing the next time.

Good to hear You two are continuing the m&g tradition to keep it alive.
The figurine is Tanuki.
BDF said:
Tanuki eh? Do we even want to know why there is a round hole between its....... in the center of its chest?


The hole is for your drinking straw of course...  :49:

I would guess that Tanuki will probably show his face at the CT/RI winter social in a few weeks
and have his picture taken with some of the guests, Maybe even Kirby & Mr Elkhoof  :great:
Color me disappointed...  I updated my personal calender with spring semester grad course schedule and found that one of the class sessions conflicts with the FEB meet & Greet in Fishkill.  I missed Ben's first one because of a personal conflict and will make a real effort to get to the March gathering.
S Smith said:
Color me disappointed...  I updated my personal calender with spring semester grad course schedule and found that one of the class sessions conflicts with the FEB meet & Greet in Fishkill.  I missed Ben's first one because of a personal conflict and will make a real effort to get to the March gathering.

you sound like a true college student. Good luck with your classes and we'll see you next time.
EBAD said:
I plan on attending next month. Maybe I will ride over from Newburgh

Good to hear from your Ron. Hope to see you at the meet and greet in a couple weeks. Weather permitting,  I might ridey too.