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Mirror Alternatives


Big Wheel
Other than the mirror riser kit discussed elsewhere in the forum, has anyone found a mirror product that helps solve the problen of the luggage blocking the rear view in the standard mirrors for 08/09 ? Bar end mounted mirrors still do not extend out far enough .
BDF on the other forum uses Ford F150 bubble mirrors on top of his C14's mirrors. They're not very big. They mount on top of the mirror housing. Possibly tape on I don't remember. Brian said they work pretty good. I personally didn't want to add them on my bike. But I admit they're not that bad looking. I personally like the bike to be as ascetically pleasing as it can be. So I didn't go with Brian's Ford mirrors. I also personally decided against mirror lifts. I personally don't care for the look. Let me make this perfectly clear: I am not telling anybody not to use the mirror lifts because I personally don't care for the look. It is up to the individual as to whether they would like to use the product or not. I don't want to be accused of telling people what they can or can not use on their motorcycle! Bionic Bob COG & AMA member First C14 CDA member #0220 2008 C14 & 2003 Mean Streak
I installed a set of rectangular contex mirrors, in the site line of the bags, this allowed me to adjust my mirrors for better rear veiw and the contex gives good lane veiw. Works well and only cost 5 Bucks
I use the little round bubble mirror stick ons. I think they work ok. ... and if you dont' mind looking a bit wierd, buy two of these: http://www.bugeyes.com I have been using them since 2003. I love 'em for daytime use. At night ... not so much. - Rat
Fred just had a post on the "other" forum about using the 2010 mirrors on the 08/09. There is a small area on the rear of the mirror housing that needs to be cut down/modified, but they are 40mm higher (1.57 inches)
I'm using the bar end mirrors.Great rear visibility betwee the 2 I can cover everything to the rear up to bout 15 feet away.On ramps etc quite a help.