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NC-IA Paleozoic Plateau Prowl


Road Bike
Is anyone going?  Registration is listed as closing today.  Does not appear anyone has registered yet.  The reviews of last year's event looked very positive.  I know the area has some good riding.  Just 2.5 hours from home for me. 

I put in for the weekend off work, and am leaning on my wife for permission to take my birthday weekend on the bike.  I would not make it until Saturday as my daughter has a dance recital Friday evening. 
Joe & all,

I just changed the event status to "cancelled" because as noted no one has registered and almost no one has inquired about the event. 

It is a mystery to me why some events generate a "buzz" and critical mass and others fail to do so.  In the past I hosted a "meet and greet" in the middle of Iowa.  Had seven attendees one year and the next I was all alone.  Maybe it's me. 

Anyway you can still come out and explore the area.  Lots of good riding can be had.  You're just on your own for meals and maps and such. 

As always I'm open to suggestions for events of interest, especially those that will draw people from outside Iowa.  Anyone want to run the bases at the Field of Dreams movie site, explore Indian burial mounds, or visit a Mississippi River aquarium?

Jerry Roland
your Iowa AAD
Thanks Joe and Jerry for the posts.
I remembered this event from last year and would have gone except my bike was down for unexpected maintenance at the time.
I looked at it again this year with interest but my wife had planned my daughters graduation party the same weekend without checking with me.
I should have at least commented or expressed my interest in attending, my apologies!

We need more events like this in our region but I understand why we don't when the responses are so lacking.
Thank you Jerry for your willingness to put this event together and hope you give it another try sometime, I will certainly be interested and will do my best to attend.