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New set for my FZ1 -- after 20K on Pilot Power 2CTs


I can't believe it, but I'm just starting to hit the wear bars on my Michelin Pilot Power 2CTs on my Yamaha FZ1. Not sure how exactly how many miles on this set, but I bought the bike about 20K miles ago. They have been fantastic tires and are wearing pretty evenly on both center and edge (just now starting to see a bit of a ridge where the compounds meet.

The bike was being set up for a bit of track time by PO -- but he never got out there.  :-[  I don't ride track (and the bike has an aftermarket exhaust that pretty much disqualifies it at the local Laguna Seca track), so was thinking about getting more of a road tire. But how could anybody want more than 20K on a tire? Hell, I bet I can put another 2K on them, but probably want some new ones before the roads get wet (aka, Thanksgiving).

Thinking ordering another set of 2CTs. They are fairly cheap -  ~$250 for a set. Any thoughts or suggestions? This seems like freakishly long mileage, but I'm not complaining.  :great:

2CTs are good tires. I had a set on the C-14 when I got it but they didn't last long as the bike is so heavy. You should stick to them if you got that kind of mileage. Others may disagree....