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New Wing accessory installation tips


Here's a link to an entry I did on the GL Rider's Forum recently.  Just finished buttoning her up after accessory installation.  Fog lights, Homelink, Acc socket, Acc cord, 2nd USB cord, Trunk Rack, and LED stop light.  Very time consuming.  Definitely the most complex accessory installations I've ever done.  Almost all the bodywork except nose and trunk frame comes off.  Multiple harnesses but they're plug and play except for my radar detector hardwiring which was easy using the accessory screw in the OEM fuse block.  I'm guessing about 40 or more hours of work.  That may be due to my obsessive compulsiveness though. 

The pile of single page instructions is more than an 1/2 inch thick.  Some steps repeated on different instructions so you're constantly going back and forth trying to keep track of multiple farkle installation at once.

Will actually start riding it now after three overseas bike trips so far this year.


You just left her naked and went abroad? Was putting her tupperware on like the Concours; a bit more difficult than removing?
Diz said:
You just left her naked and went abroad? Was putting her tupperware on like the Concours; a bit more difficult than removing?
Nope, started the project after I finished my last trip. (Which was to the Arctic Ocean on an 800 Tiger.) Actually putting the plastic back on was easier than taking off in most cases.  By putting cooking Pam on the tabs that helped a lot.