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(NH) Meet and Greet at Famous Legends Restaurant, Raymond, NH - Sunday 8/4 12:30

RubberDucky said:

I'll be there.  Lookin' forward to it!

Sweet.  Did you get the initial service done on your C14?  If so, have you wound her up to the higher RPM's yet to see how she screams?!
Wish we could make this one but away in Pennsylvania. We had a great time in Rhode Island with you guys and look forward to doing it again!!  >:D
Well it sure sounds like somebody got a new C-14! Maybe we'll take a ride up for lunch and have Mr. Elkhoof go over that new bike for any flaws or faults- you know, make sure your nuts are tight and so forth. And someone is going to have to check your fob but it won't be me (you can't pay me enough and I like money....). Congrats Lyle! You're going to need a few 800 numbers and a few web sites to properly farkle that thing up but with our help, we can have you well on your way in no time (either to poverty or owning all the farkles sold for a C-14, whichever comes first).

The weather is looking pretty good on our end and not too bad on the NH end so we probably will take a ride up. And bring dishwashing detergent for the bike, just in case it does rain.


Greg Habel said:
Sweet.  Did you get the initial service done on your C14?  If so, have you wound her up to the higher RPM's yet to see how she screams?!

Knowing you it will most likely be on my way to poverty!  :-[  And just for info, my nuts are always tight!  :D  Look forward to seeing you there!

Congrats Coop. Enjoy the new ride.

You folks have fun today. I'll be digging in the yard.
Great to see everyone there. Nice lunch, excellent ride- especially the part where some people changed the original ride, other people were leading the ride and they did not know where we were supposed to go- Perfect! Great day too, in the middle of heat waves and rain, yesterday was about perfect. Even Boston traffic was not bad and we whistled through both to and from the M&G through the Big Dig- getting that 20 billion dollars that cost back, one ride at a time.

And a special thanks to Mike for explaining some of the finer points (ahem) of dog mating to us. Of course I always knew it worked well enough what with all the dogs around but some of the details had apparently eluded me for decades. Now I will be much better able to gauge performance when I see this type of behavior in the future and might even be able to suggest improvements....

Just to end the story....
We had yummy ice cream at the Drive In and...... they lived happily ever after.