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Photo History


Hi all!

I'm brand new here, just joined on yesterday. As I was introducing myself I had a great time trying to remember all (11) of the bikes I've owned in my time riding. I even forgot the VFR when recalling them yesterday. Browsing around old files and the photobucket account, I realized I actually still have at least one picture of each... So here they are, for my enjoyment having them all in one place and your perusal!

1993 Yamaha Seca II

1985 Yamaha FJ1100

1996 Suzuki Savage 650

1995 Honda VFR 750

1999 Ducati ST4

2003 Yamaha FZ1

1999 Ducati ST4 AMA 955 (very modded, 136 rwhp)

Just before my saddle sore 1,000, I used the bike to move back home for the summer!

And the destruction that was found a few days after it was stolen  :(

2005 Kawasaki KLR 650

The accident that ended it's life, and almost mine. What's left of the KLR in under the front of the SUV

1986 Honda Shadow - Bought just before that accident, only put a few miles on this one

2002 Suzuki Savage 650

And a few of my new-to-me 1992 Concours!



Hope you enjoyed the pics, and feel free to comment!!

Welcome DFL and thanks for sharing your nice collection of previous rides. Glad you survived the rear-ending accident. Very nice Ducati before it was stolem, stripped, and burned? Enjoy the Connie, it is a great bike.
I like the custom trunk on the 96 Savage...  8)

:-\ That wreck with the KLR looks pretty bad, glad you were able to survive that one!!

Welcome to the forum DFL!  ^-^
Thanks everyone!!

It was actually a head-on accident on the KLR... I was traveling straight at 55mph and the 4Runner didn't see me - came across quickly into my lane to let traffic go by him as he was about to make a left turn. The accident analysis determined I was going 48-50 mph and he was doing 30 at the time we hit. In the split second I had to react, I was able to swerve a bit and I started to raise up off my seat. Luckily that allowed only some of me to hit the SUV and I flew instead of sticking into the grille like the KLR did. Was a pretty rough one, though.

Thanks for noticing the pickle bucket trunk on the Savage! I was pretty proud of that idea. Held a bunch of stuff and served as a nice back rest. I did the same with my more recent one as well.

Looking at the final Ducati pic still breaks my heart. It wasn't burned... It was stripped, hotwired, spray painted, and thats how it was found on the curb after the thief looped it doing a wheelie.  :'(