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Pilot 4 Gt


My Avon 3D ultra sport (rear) lasted 3k.. I hope the Michelin does better.  Two cool things. Tire looks amazing.
This was the simplest  wheel remove/replace ever. I think I've had bicycle wheels that took longer.  :great:
ha I didnt say anything about the handling :beerchug:
Hey Strum, I didn't make it to Blairsville this morning - taking advantage of a relatively cool morning to patch the driveway while no one is around.

How's that tire feel on Blood Mountain? I like mine. I got 5,500 out of the OEM 'Stones, then BAM--they were slick. I've already got that on the PR4GTs and they still look good. I expect another 3,000 or so. If I keep working around the house on Saturday and they'll last for YEARS!!!  :))    (Man, I need a ride..)

Catch you before the "Wolf" one day soon.

This was suppost to go on the C14 thread sorry for wrong post.
Ted since this is my first C14 I have no idea how many miles is normal .
All I know is riding theses roads are hard on tires and I doesn't help much when I twist the go handle repeatedly either.
Sorry I missed you Ron . Catch ya next time.
I only rode a short 30 miles yesterday so i dont really know anything about performance . I was taking it easy on the new rubber.
What i can say is it had a very nice solid /stable feel to it.