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Potholes and helping fellow riders......

sas mayhem

Street Cruiser
Potholes and helping fellow riders......
Hello all fellow riders. I almost had a "get off" the other day by a stealth pot hole.  If I would have hit it my front tire would have gone down in it at least to the rim.  And then last night, I was on my way into work coming to my intersection to make a right turn, and just as I got in the lane, presto, a young buck (deer, 6 pointer) was laying across the entire lane. I was able to get aroud it with no issue.  When I got home I googled "how to report a pot hole" and every state has a link via DOT, to report a pot hole. So I was thinking , if we reported a pot hole that we come across, we could help prevent a fellow rider taking a fall. And if enough people report it, I'm pretty suere that it would be move up on the DOT priority list fairly quickly.  Anyone have a input about it?

Maybe in the south. Where you get one pot hole in the state per year. But in the great white north, there's more pot holes than road surface. So reporting pot holes would be a full time job that you will never be done with!  :)) But it is a good idea where it may make a differance.
Aww, Bob. The potholes weren't that bad where I rode. The frost heaves...now that's another story!

WHere I live, frost heaves are what you get from too many cheap Margaritas? 

My Margaritas, on the other hand, will not cause this (though they may cause memory lapse, hair loss, and incarceration).
When I lived (for a while) in Pittsburgh and Cleveland, I began to appreciate the GA DOT and the care they give our roads. (usually).