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Rear Hugger

ken bergen

Big Wheel
Does anyone know if there a rear hugger for the C-14??? It could sure use one after it has rained for a while. the amount of *&(^%$*^*&)&) that made its' way up the back of the bike is incredible when compare to the C-10. Anyway, I just asking.
outfit called skidmarx in uk makes them. guy sells them in the us David Cork streetfighters by design. 530-587-8521
try these folks... http://www.streetfightersbydesign.com/streetweb/sfhome_page/streetfighterhome.htm they are great... tell david that don sent you...
Here are a couple of rear huggers for the C-14; http://tinyurl.com/bqza3e http://tinyurl.com/at5a3p Bet that carbon one would look real nice! John C