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Rear suspension and air pressure


Model 2000 - just lubed the 3 lower zerks on the linkage and I CANNOT get to the 2 on the upper "dog bones" zerks without taking off the mufflers.

So, I'm going to switch them out of 90 degrees ones. Anyone know the correct size that will replace (just didn't want to take them out and find out a have to order the 90's).

Also, just going through the FSM and it states to NOT check the rear shock pressure with a "tire gauge".  Uhh....options?
The grease zerks are 6 mm and I always got by using a tire pressure gauge on my rear shock until I replaced it with a Progressive shock.  I either used a digital gauge or one made for lower pressures like one for ATV tires.  I think as long as you get a good seal between the valve and the gauge you should be fine.
The reason to not use a tire pressure guage is that the volume of air in the shock is so small that each time you check it you loose a lot of pressure. Bike tire pump with a clip on nozzle and guage or compresser with a good regulator, set to the pressure you want.