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Riding Way Too Fast


Big Wheel
This bike is very fast and I'm sometimes shocked when I look down at the speedo and see 85. I want my Zumo to beep my helmet when I'm going more than 10 over the speed limit. In fact, I want to be able to turn that function on and off and set the amount over the limit for the beep. Does this sound like a good idea, or is it just me that expects to get a bunch of tickets while tooling down the interstate?
Howdy, It is very fast. Not a bad idea, what ever works. I run a radar detector as my first line of defense. Because I love how fast it really is! Later, Norm
Take some more time to get used to tbe bike and pay attention to the speed of traffic around you. You have to work to prevent yourself from becoming desensitized to speed on a bike like this. Once you become more accustomed to the bike, it should not be as much of a problem, but it will take some vigilance. I actually think the secondary butterflies result it making this problem worse, as it allows the power band to creep up on you, and the bike doesn't make power in a linear fashion like I feel it should. You twist the throttle trying to accelerate and don't get enough torque at the lower end, so you twist it some more, and before you know it your RPM's have built up and you are released like a rubber band and suddenly ZING, you are slingshot to the moon. With the butterflies removed, the power and torque is greater on the low end to begin with, and it feels more controllable and predictable.
Yes, the C14 is sneaky fast. I think one of the biggest reasons why I forget about my speed is that I can't hear the stock exhaust at freeway speeds. I have a Jardine GP1 pipe on my GSX-R and once I'm up to speed I rarely look at the speedo--I can maintain speed just by listening to the engine. Been thinking about a Vance & Hines CSOne pipe as a method of 'cruise control.'
Yes, I love how sneaky fast the bike is. I found that leaving the windshield down helps me monitor my speed. When I'm in the twisties I carry to much speed with it up.
I've had mine to 145 in the straight and 110 in the turns on this great road for speed we ride I can keep up with the sport bikes almost everywhere but at 100 to 110 in the sweeping turns it woobles so I have to back off I think it's the bags mabe.........a rear tire lasts about 3000 if that,
If you have the stock tires still, it is definately them. The bags are actually designed to keep the bike stable at speed. Get yourself just about any other tire (PR2s prefered here) and you get a completely different handling bike!