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SERIOUS! Why we don't ride BMW's

So many question to ask! :))http://forum.cog-online.org/Smileys/FantasticSmileys/laugh.gif
Besides my C14, I have a Beemer, too, but never suffered the problem.  Blessing or curse?  I guess I'll never know.
Okay, but why isn't a Corbin and the Connie Buzz more attractive to our pillion riders? Just asking an innocent question...
I see my ******** flag waving in the wind. And a 93?? Come on. Ignorance of anatomical physiology is now someone else's fault. 
It's just a manufacturer in the news. Of course, he will win millions if its' tried in California.

I've got a lot of friends that ride BMW's and love them, think or know they are the best bikes available today. And, like Harleys, worth the price.

No knock against them, but I just love my Japanese four-cylinders and big V-twins.