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Sore Butt.........

I know this subject has been discussed a millon times, but I'm just not sure what more to do....I have a corbin gunfighter seat on my 87, and it's just to hard I have tride everything from beads to gel to sheepskin pads and nothing seems to work. I have posted it in the clasififeds if anyone is interested......thanks... Bill.......
William, The Corbins is a hard ass seat, no doubt. I owned one for a couple years and gave it up for a russell. Yes they are expensive and yes they are "butt ugly". But hey do you want to enjoy the ride and actually feel good at the end of a long day? Well then Russell is the way to go. AKA "2linby" That's 2-lin-by folks! Northwest Area Director COG #5539 AMA #927779 IBA #15034 TEAM OREGON MC Instructor http://community.webshots.com/user/2linby http://tinyurl.com/njas8 (IBA BunBurner Gold Trip) http://tinyurl.com/lwelx (Alaska trip)
Hey guys, thanks alot for the advice , I really appreciate it...I've put back on the orig. seat with a sheepskin pad , and it really made a big difference...I'll try and put the corbin seat and other items on ebay and see what happens.............thanks.......Bill
For what it's worth: My favorite seat on the Concours is the stock "2nd Gen" seat, the one that looks like a Corbin. If there is a bike salvage company nearby, you may want to consider searching them for a 2Gen seat for your 87. I've had both versions of the C10 (i.e. "flat" seat and the "Corbin look-alike" seat of the 2nd gen). I have also used a Corbin seat on many of my bikes including the Concours. I never liked the stock seat on the first gen. Asthetically, yes, but my butt just did not like the sloped seat, and as a result my tailbone ached after along day. I bought a Corbin and cripes it wa hard, but stuck with it as the literaure and Conventional Wisdom said you have to "break it in." I think it's your butt that gets broken in. When the 2Gen Concours came out I was among the pundits who noted that Kawasaki merely copied the Corbin's shape. But once my cheeks were settled in, oh yeah, this is it. Just the right combination of initial softness, flat surface, and all-day firmness. But, as with tars, erl, windscreens and beer, everybody has their own preference. Your mileage may vary. Batteries not inluded. See your physician if symptoms persist.
There is a powder available known as "ANTI-MONKEY-BUTT POWDER" seriously....works good.
The nice Duluthians at Aerostich sell this product. http://www.aerostich.com/catalog/US/Anti-Monkey-Butt-Powder-p-17484.html
Beads and gold bond powder, really I find the beads just about perfect, now all day riding in the 90's I don;t think anything will work, but the beads come close, I will not ride without them. Virginia Beach, VA COG 6517 03 Concours (9/11/04) 01 Concours (8/16/08) USN Retired
Several people have mentioned having their stock seats reworked and having been very pleased with it. Hopefully, somebody w/more specifics will chime in.
These things are always subjective. For one guy beads is the holy grail, and for the next guy they are of marginal use. For what its worth a few years ago 6 of us did a SS1000 ( 1000mi in under 24 hrs ). There were 2 stock seats, 1 sheepskin, 1 beads, 1 Rick Mayer and 1 Russel. I dont think any one was immune. The guy with the Russel faired the best. 2003 Concours, 47K COG #6953 IBA 28004 http://mysite.verizon.net/slybones/Concours/connieMain.htm
LD Comfort Shorts or better yet tights for the monkey butt, Beads on any seat, and finally a Russell saddle, preferably made for you or from someone with similar weight and build. I can ride all day with no butt burn or chafing now.
Everybody has their fixes for the seat, I was determined to sell the Connie right away until I got my Corbin. The company may have gotten a bad reputation lately but the seats are the ticket for me. The only seat I can stand on any bike is a Corbin. But even on a Corbin, I hurt and ache at the end of a 2-hour ride if I don't stretch and move about some while I ride. I hurt and ache if I sit in a recliner for 2 hours without moving, it's the same thing. When you get the right seat for you, consciously move around on the saddle for your next long ride and see if that doesn't help with the end-of-day butt ache. Hang off one side for a couple miles, then the other. An inch or two, not the whole cheek! Put one foot on the passenger peg, then the other. Stick a leg out and move the knee and ankle as far as they will go and tense it up and relax it, keep the blood going. Put your weight on the pegs and hover an inch off the seat, that uses the glute and quadricep muscles and keeps them "awake." The key is to start moving around *before* you feel discomfort. Maybe you know all this, but maybe you're concentrating on completing your long ride so hard that you're ignoring your body's need to keep moving. Heck I still do it sometimes, riding through traffic where I can't let a foot or hand off the controls for more than 45 minutes usually means I'll be stiff getting off the bike. And for the ladies, and you can tell your SO this, a good high-impact sports bra really helps with other end-of-day long trip aches. You'd be surprised how much...things, uh, moving around....with every bump just wears you out long before the day is done.
A preventive analgesic helps me with joint pain, a suggestion I got from these very forums. :) I also drink coffee or iced tea at every stop which keeps me stopping regularly to move around a bit.