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Yes, Plural. I am very pleased to announce that Ken **** and Randy Brazie have accepted the positions of CA Central AAD and CA and NV north AAD respectively. Many of you will recognize Ken's name as from what I've been told he's been a CA AAD for forever. I appreciate him accepting the responsibility again and look forward to learning very much from him. From what I understand he has a wrench session set up and once we get the details we'll get it on the calendar.
Randy has recently moved to Nor Cal from the SC area (TX) where he was a member for about 12 years. He now rides a wing (join for the bike, Stay for the people right?). Because of his location, Clio CA, I've asked Randy to take responsibility for both Nor Cal and Nor NV. With Kens experience and Randy's enthusiam we now have a much stronger Leadership Team. We are still actively looking for a SoCal AAD, HI AAD and NM AAD. Jump in, the waters fine. Please join me in welcoming these gentleman on board, thanking them for volunteering and looking forward to getting this train on the tracks and puffing steam.
Mark Hartman

It sounds like you are developing a good support team!  To those new and returning to a leadership role, thanks for the efforts!  :)
2linby said:

It sounds like you are developing a good support team!  To those new and returning to a leadership role, thanks for the efforts!  :)
These Guy's are gettin' it done Bob. :great:
Thank you for taking the responsibility for your areas!  :sign0098:

Now if we can just find that SoCal person........ :motonoises:
Rusty said:
Thank you for taking the responsibility for your areas!  :sign0098:

Now if we can just find that SoCal person........ :motonoises:

Rusty...I think that's gonna be key...

Where do you live?  ;)
I would be willing to move to Hawaii at the expense of COG and take one for the team. It would be tough, but as long as you all find me a job, a home and a new C-14 couldn't hurt. But you know, I'd be willing to sacrafice for the good of the club.
Randy's a great rider and will do fine for the SW chapter!

We hate to lose him from TX, but that's the way things go.

Thanks, Craig.  I met a great group of guys (and gals - Hi Wendy!) in South Central, and I'll miss y'all (still practicing Texas talk).  But the roads SURE are nice out here.  They really have turns!!  :)    Well, Hill Country did, and Arkansas.  But not a lot of them in DFW...
