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Test Road The New Wing


I have been reading where the new GL 1800 is being called more of a sport-touring bike instead of a traditional tourer.  This had me kind of  intrigued so I stopped by the dealership for a test ride.  Since I have no previous experience on a Wing, I am comparing this bike strictly against the Connie.  First observation is that this bike has a loud exhaust.  Definitely louder than a stock Connie.  Not sure I like that.  Test rode a DCT Tour and found the transition to the auto-trans very simple.  Did not miss the clutch lever and shifter.  The trans works well.  Its a little jumpy in Sport mode, especially as you come off the throttle.  Reminds me of the Connie without Steve's wonderful flash.  Get on the throttle and it is not in the same league as a ST bike, especially a Connie.  I dropped it into Sport mode, came to a complete stop and hammered it WOT.  It gets to 100 at a decent clip, but nothing like the head rush you get from a C-14.  You also feel the lack of power in a roll on at 65mph.  Takes a while to get moving. 

Suspension was predictably smooth, almost mesmerizing watching the front connecting rods going up and down.  I'm 5'10 and the seat fit me perfect and was comfortable.  I did not have a chance to hit any truly curvy roads, but you can't "flick" this bike.  Compared to the Connie it definitely feels like a touring bike, but it seems to hold the line well.  The stock windscreen is okay, but I am certain the aftermarket will be selling a lot of screens.

So in my opinion, this bike is no where near a Sport Touring bike.  No doubt it is sportier than the previous generation Wings, but this bike is meant for chewing up the miles.  My itch has been scratched and I know this bike is not for me until I am ready to stop ripping up the roads at triple digit speeds.
