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This is NOT a scheduled COG ride, but....


This is not a ride invitation, and also not intending to step on Russell Fleming's North-South Ride during the same w/e, but just wanted to let the “locals” in the VA, WV, MD, PA region know about this event.

Those of you who know me and have followed some of my posts, know I absolutely love Helvetia, WV. There is an event going on there the w/e of  June 21 - Sunday, June 23 called the http://followyourblissfest.helvetiawv.com/. Shame on me, but I backed out of the North-South and will be going to this event and camping in the Meadow across the road from the Hutte. There are a number of bands in the line up I don't want to miss.... may not get another chance to see them on one stage.

Anyway, that's my intended schedule and I'm sticking to it.
Understandable. One of the things I see is on any given week end there are dozens of competing rides and events.

Even out here in the sticks of western Maryland, sometimes there are 4 rides / events going on in one weekend. The ABATE folks manage to keep their charity event rides down to one per every few weeks, but then you have HOG, and the BMW club, and about a dozen other riding clubs all wanting to do stuff at the same time.

Even the God Bless America Ride down to the VA Medical Center this past Sunday had serious competition, and in years past the string of bikes on that ride on the highway stretched for miles.

I just wish I was going on any of those rides, but such is not to be right now. Maybe later in the summer.