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This might be a new one for the group


Training Wheels
I just finished getting my bike fixed up after my last series of mishaps and on my first major trip I dropped my bike in Knoxville my second day out. She fell on the right side and broke off the foot peg (damn those things) and cracked the bracket at the same time. I'm getting pretty good at hoisting the beast back up, although this was a pain because I had to do it from a side walk. So here's my story... The guy I stayed with in Knoxville is the janitor at the elementary school across from his apartment. Concerned about the safety of my bike he unlocked the play ground and let me park the bike there. The following morning I went out and put her up on the center stand to do my daily checks, no problems there. Then I proceeded to drive out of the playground, off the side walk, and around the block to park closer to his apartment. I put the bike on the side stand and went inside to grab the luggage. I hadn't really noticed that the road had a slight slope and that the bike was standing up straighter than usual. As I went to put on the left box I basically pushed the bike over. The bike must have been almost vertical when parked because it took almost no pressure on the left side to topple her over. I considered just going home (almost 8 hours) but decided to continue my trip and road almost 2000 miles over the next 4 days (1100 in one day) without a right peg. Oh and to make matters worse, most of the fixes I made to the plastic near the air scoop broke! Sigh, oh well. It ended up being an awesome trip regardless. David S COG# 9062 CDA# 0316 1986 Kawasaki Concours 1973 Honda CB500
David, Oh man - I think that is a first. Add an "b" to your CDA01316 if you choose. Only 1 CDA number per dropper. Awesome that you continued your long ride! Consider ordering a couple of temporary foot pegs at www.murphskits.com . These are just long bolts but they are very easy to store on the bike and come in real handy for a temporary solution. Greg H from Mass, Connie Droppers Anonymous Awards Dude COG# 7010,a Tracey CDA 120 (2.0) 99 Connie "Herrin Christabelle", 05 Ninja 250